Monday, November 26, 2012

Speaking Truth to Power

Benghazi. Four dead. The big question should be; what the heck was our Ambassador doing out there, in what was not even a Consulate? His Embassy Security detail was not with him, only two private contractors. Stevens was a confident guy, but even so, he was four hundred miles from his Embassy, without much of a safety net. And he paid a terrible price for the risk he took.

But while those questions may never be fully addressed, or answered, we would do well to keep the issue in perspective.

On his watch we lost 241 troops to a truck bomb that penetrated the defensive perimeter around their barracks out near the Beirut Airport. We fired a lot of shells from battleships at areas we thought were the source of the attack, then the entire American peacekeeping force went home. And no one suggested that we needed to hold hearings to get to the bottom of such a security blunder. Even though the death toll was sixty times greater.

So why is the Benghazi tragedy such a wonderful talking point for Senator John McCain and Senator Lindsay Graham?

Could it be a grab for political relevance and television interviews, by two increasingly irrelevant Senators? A shocking suggestion, I know, but someone had to say it out loud... (Click Here)


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Letter

Dear Senator Graham,

It is obvious that you and Senator McCain have become completely desperate to find some way, any way, true or false, to defame the President. One can only speculate as to Senator McCain's motivations, but it increasingly looks like he is a Sore Loser. Your own actions appear to many (trending toward most) of the voters in the United States as a case of knee-jerk displaced loyalty.

I strongly suggest that you read the following:  Official: Changes to Benghazi talking points made by intel community.
And then I strongly suggest that you man-up and apologize to UN Ambassador Susan Rice for your attempted smear campaign, which appeared to be targeting her as a way to try to damage the President. My President. Our President. A President who has been legally elected by the American people, the American voters, twice in a row. If that means nothing to you, then it damn well should.

If one wished to be extreme in their reaction to the recent actions of Senator McCain and you, some might call it treason. I will not go to that extreme. I will suggest, however, that your actions have been blatantly political, without basis, that they are, to quote Shakespeare:

A tale of sound and fury... signifying nothing.

If this is how you wish to be remembered, if this is how you wish your countrymen to view you, there is little that I can say to you. Your path to history's shadowy world of those who mistakenly abandoned their better principles in hopes of achieving political gain, or to "score points", is littered with the reputations of those who have chosen that dark and dishonorable path. It is not too late to recapture your honor, but your chance is fading fast. Once a person is judged to be beyond contempt, there is little or nothing that can be done to repair such damage.

Wake up. Please.

I do not like people who falsely attack my President. When you do so, I feel that you are attacking the country of my birth, that you are besmirching and trampling on everything that I was taught in school. I do not take that lightly, and I strongly object to such actions.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Special Note, Veterans Day, 2012

To my friends, Brothers, and Sisters who spent 12 or more months in Viet Nam in combat at Bien Hoa, Chu Lai, Phan Rang, Da Nang, Con Thien, Binh Thuy, Pleiku, Phu Cat, Tan Son Nhut, Tuy Hoa, Khe Sahn, Cam Ranh Bay, Firebase Bastogne, Camp Carroll, Camp Holloway, Ca Lu, The Rockpile, Dong Hoi, Tay Ninh, My Tho, and all the others, between 1955-1975: 
Welcome home.  I love you.
And to those who remain
I will never forget. 
From a reader: "Let us not forget us vets who served in Thailand at the same time. We didn't experience combat directly but we put in 12 hour days building bombs in the hot ass sun!"  Right you are, Brother.  Here's to all you Vets who served at Don Muang, Ubon, Udorn, Korat, Takhli, U-Tapao, and Nakhon Phanom.  Let me know if I left yours out.
(To add your base name to this list, send it to  I invite you to send a brief message along with it, and I will post it. )

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Weekend Update - Bob Winslow Edition

(On this day in 2008, Robert Winslow, Uncle Bob, passed away.  While on one hand it seems a lot longer than only 4 years, I still feel Uncle Bob's presence every day.  He's particularly close to me whenever I post something on this blog.  Sergeant Major Bob Winslow was, and still is, one of the most influential people in my life.  To mark this day as a special one, I sit here writing the 394th post on Bad Hat, something he and I created on the 4th of July, 2007.  It's all as he would have wanted.  To continue.  And to all the Marines out there, young and old, Happy Birthday and Semper Fi.  Uncle Bob, this one's for you.  And we digress ... )
  • Well the election's finally over and the best man won.  But what the hell's happened to my beloved state of Oregon?  Washington, Oregon and Colorado all had measures that would legalize the possession of marijuana, and WA and CO passed, but the drunken red necks in OR voted it down.  What?!  Oregon is where old hippies go to die, fercrissakes.  Something is definitely amiss here, and I promise I'll get to the bottom of it as soon as I finish off this bag of Doritos. 
  • Someone hacked into my bank card the other day, after I ordered some silly thing off the internet, and charged up about $300 worth of stuff before my bank called and alerted me.  After some investigation we discovered it was done by someone living in Florida.  Bank lady said she wasn't surprised.  Evidently a lot of illegal activity comes from Florida.  By the way, Florida finally declared Barack Obama the winner, which changes it from The Sunshine State, to The Irrelevant State.
  • Good grief!  Talk about a sore loser.  Bad Hat's Asshole of the Month Award goes to the CEO of Murray Energy, a coal mining company, Robert Murray.  The day after the election, the chairman and chief executive of the Ohio-based coal company fired 54 employees at American Coal and 102 at Utah American Energy, but not before reading a prayer and telling workers that “the takers outvoted the producers.” Murray faulted Obama’s “war on coal.”  Mr. Murray's prayer (as he handed out pink slips to the employees) starts with this:  "Dear Lord, The American people have made their choice. They have decided that America must change its course, away from the principals [sic] of our Founders. And, away from the idea of individual freedom and individual responsibility. Away from capitalism, economic responsibility, and personal acceptance."  We congratulate Mr. Murray on his prestigious award.  Way to go, Asshole!
  • Our sincere congratulations to new Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who won the election in spite of Ms. Warren’s opponent and his allies making repeated attempts to portray her as antibusiness.  Here's why her election is important to us all:  Click Here.
  • From the I Hope She Was Worth It Department, we have this:  CIA Director David Petraeus abruptly resigned Friday after admitting to an extramarital affair in a shocking end to a 37-year career in which he rose to become the Army’s leading counterinsurgency strategist, the top U.S. commander in Iraq and Afghanistan and then head of the country’s premier spy agency.  They say he was among the top GOP prospects for a Presidential run.  Ah, the power of a little pussy.
  • If you voted for Barack Obama for president, there's another sore loser in Texas who thinks you're "a maggot."  Peter Morrison, who serves as treasurer of the Hardin County Republican Party, wrote in his post-election newsletter: “We must contest every single inch of ground and delay the baby-murdering, tax-raising socialists at every opportunity.  But in due time, the maggots will have eaten every morsel of flesh off of the rotting corpse of the Republic, and therein lies our opportunity.”  He thinks Texas should leave the United States.  Our Hat is off to him, and we wish him all the best in his endeavor.
  • Think about this one for a second.  Since President Roosevelt, no GOP presidential campaign has won the vote without a Bush or a Nixon on the ticket.  That gives us a scary thought:  Jeb Bush 2016?  Or even George P. Bush? And here's a little tidbit that just drives that point in deeper: Dubya Bush won a larger percentage of the Mormon vote than Mitt Romney did.  Really.  Let the nightmares begin ...

A Bad Hat Rant

(A rant.  Seriously, a rant.  Who woulda thought ...?)

Okay, so now really.  Let's you and me talk, okay?  If you're a staunch Republican and you vote the straight Republican ticket every year, and if you think that it's a good thing Al Gore wasn't elected president because global warming is a hoax and he was coming after your guns ... well, maybe you should skip this post.  Go do whatever it is you normally do when an adult calls you out on yet another silly idea, and you get genuinely offended.  Go pout.  Have a drink.  Go shoot something. Put it on my tab. I just really really have to get the following off my chest, once and for all.

If you're still reading, here goes:  Dude, I told you so.  GOD that's good to get off my chest.  I, WE, told you so.  Since July 5th, 2007 we've been trying to explain to you what was wrong with the Republican Party and you haven't listened.  Nope.  Not one word.  You were all guns, illegal aliens, gays, sanctity of marriage, abortion, war against drugs, and war against Christmas.  You listened to FOX News and swore your allegiance to pundits like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and even certifiably insane people like Glenn Beck.  You had pity for poor people but considered them 3rd class citizens who were, for all intent and purposes, expendable.  Expanded health care for the poor?  Nah, that's why we have emergency rooms.  Even if you were like the majority of us working class stiffs who barely got by and who couldn't retire because of rising health care costs, you STILL called yourself a Republican, and ohmygawd did you think YOU were going to win the freaking lottery and be a RICH person too?  If I'm talking to you, you're an idiot.  And you "free market" assholes, well, yeah, the poor can go to the ER for a broken leg, and we could make every freaking food stamp recipient take a weekly urine test, but will the market adjust enough to help these people?  What the hell is wrong with you?  I mean, seriously.

But you know what the sad thing really is?  Some of you, perhaps most of you (I don't have the statistics, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt) didn't REALLY believe all the bullshit they were feeding you, you just wanted, needed, to believe it.  Why?  WHY did you do that?  Do you actually believe that Barack Obama is coming to take your guns away from you, or are you just freaking nuts?  Either way, you're incredibly weird.

You're Out of Touch.  You're out of touch with mainstream America.  You say you care about all sorts of inane bullshit that quite frankly most of us DON'T. The Republican Handbook needs a serious re-write. Don't get angry with me (he said, knowing full well you are), some of you are amongst not only my best friends, but also my freaking family.  I really don't want to piss you off.  I want to wake you up.  On a few of the issues we face today in this country, you are totally wrong.  Period.  This election should be a wake-up call to all of you.  Now seriously, pay attention. Bring, nay DRAG your party into the 21st century.  The year is 2012, and in recognition of when I became cognisant of what year it was, around 1950, THIS IS THE FUTURE!  A black man is President of the United States and we're not all going to die on December 21st.  Want to guess who we're going to elect in 2016?  A woman. 

Okay. Sorry.  I may have gone too far with that last one.  I just wanted to see if you were still reading me.  At any rate, between here and now you guys have to grow. the. hell. up.  Stop being so stupid.  Most conservatives are pretty intelligent people, but a large majority of you seem to have a streak of stupidity that defies logic.  Stop it.  Go clean your room.  Respect your elders.  Sit down and pay attention.  And for gawd sakes, for just a bit, shut the hell up.

God bless America ... JP  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Drama Obama

I have no idea what that very odd first debate was all about, but if that was some form of "ropa-dopa" and the idea was to add a bit more drama to the election, it certainly worked, didn't it? It also scared the crap out of all the other world leaders, if one can judge by their huge sighs of relief at the outcome:  CLICK HERE

Oh, and all the concern about the Republicans taking over the election by hacking electronic voting systems? You know, because one of the Romney sons owned a share in a company that was involved in the Ohio election? The State that has a blatantly partisan Secretary of State who worked to cut down voting hours and tried to install an untested and unapproved vote counting software the morning before the election? You remember him, the guy who was told by a Court he couldn't do that? Remember Karl Rove on Fox News arguing desperately that the Ohio election could NOT be called yet for Obama, that it just couldn't be! He was so agitated that the Fox News staff were politely explaining to him that no, there was no mistake, that it just really was all over. While Rove was losing it, the Ohio Secretary of State was closing his office, issuing a statement that the election was over and going home. Odd that he fought so hard, then folded. Did anyone stop to wonder why?

In Obama's speech, do you remember one part where he talked about people having to stand in line for hours to vote, saying "We're going to have to fix that, that's just wrong, that will never happen again". His tone of voice was markedly different than at any other part of his speech. Then he shifted gears and went on to talk about us coming together and making this a better and stronger nation, but that one small remark struck me as signaling that there were going to be no more Florida/Ohio voter suppression efforts, ever again. That there were going to be no more "hanging chads" and phony Voter ID shenanigans, that this would be the last American election that was going to be bedeviled by corrupt attempts to steal the election. I've said it before and I will say it again, our government has a very high level of cyber-defense capabilities. Our entire economy relies upon electronic communications, both personal and structural. Various bad guys around the world, from Russia, China, Iran, Nigeria, Israel and God knows where are continuously probing our defenses, both personal, governmental, military and commercial, in hopes of being able to steal something of great value, or to find a way to cripple our national infrastructure.

Needless to say, our nation is well-aware of such efforts. As we become increasingly interconnected, there is a quiet war going on every hour, minute and second of every day. We gain enormously from our massive electronic infrastructure, but it has an obvious vulnerability that our nation is keenly aware of. We are working, constantly, with our largest technology firms, to keep on top of any potential weaknesses in our nation's security. Oh, and in those tech firms' own security. Each hand washes the other's.

If you accept that as a given, does anyone seriously imagine that our nation, at this point in our history, would be dumb enough to permit any entity, foreign or domestic, to hack into the electronic voting system, in any State or County, and let it be "taken over" in order to generate a false count of the votes that were cast by our citizens in a national election? Seriously? Does anyone think we are that stupid? If the GOP were allowed to do something like that, why would China hesitate to do so? Forget the brainwashed "Manchurian Candidate" meme, China could step in and fiddle the results juuuust enough to overturn a national election.

In the grips of his partisan passion, the Ohio Secretary of State may have imagined he could do just that. We may never know for certain until the story gets declassified twenty years from now, but it certainly does seem odd that he tried to install a new and untested vote collection software package the day before the election, doesn't it? And that was only one of the GOP efforts to try to steal this election. The harsh voter ID law enacted in Pennsylvania, those enormous lines, only in certain neighborhoods in Florida and Ohio? Deja-vu 2004, wasn't it? It is not Rocket Science to be able to see how many voters there are in an area and assign enough voting stations and staff to accommodate that number, is it?

If we take the President at his word, this will be the last election where States, Districts or Counties will be able to engage in that mischief without there being serious consequences. Judging by the curious actions of the hyper-partisan Ohio Secretary of State, who seemed to suddenly fold up his tent and go home, my guess is that someone carefully explained him that he was under very close observation and that he could do what he wanted, but that actions have consequences, and bad actions often tend to have bad consequences.

And I can tell you that the entire world just issued a huge sigh of relief. Now the Chinese can go ahead and elect their new Premier, after delaying their National Party Congress until two days after our election so they would know where they stood. The Europeans are either publicly celebrating the outcome of our election, both governments and citizens alike. They have been on edge for months, hoping for the best, fearing the worst.

It's a good day. There is still a tremendous amount of work to do, just as there was before this election circus got started. We've learned which people are trying to move our country forward, and which people are trying to game the system as though our government was a huge card game in which they play with a marked deck and win the pot. Something really important happened in this election. Things are going to be okay. A lot of the work that is going to be done will not be done publicly, nor will it be done with a lot of fanfare or perp walks... but it will be done. Our country has gone through other dark periods, for example in the 1930s when a ground of Millionaires (that was big money back then) tried to get General Smedley Butler to stage a military coup.
It never happened, but it was the sort of thing that HAS happened in other nations, during times of enormous social and economic stress. Our nation has been tested before, and it was just tested again. The sounds you thought you heard, but weren't sure of? Those were the sounds of Dark Armies, positioning themselves and maneuvering themselves to take greater control of our nation, and by extension the world. So no biggie, just the something that happens now and again. In business they call it an attempted "hostile takeover". Defenses are thrown up, actions are taken, the takeover is thwarted... and everyone goes on about their business. And that's what our nation will do, as it has done many, many times in the past. Nice try, but please don't ever try that again, okay? By sheer coincidence (I am sure) the Ohio Secretary of State just decided to call it an early night and go home yesterday. He just suddenly felt really, really exhausted, for reasons he can't exactly explain.

The world has issued a collective sigh of relief, our role as the most powerful, and currently the most admired country in the world, has been reconfirmed. But it should be remembered that with great power comes great responsibilities. The world is a Godawful mess. Our world population has grown so large that a widespread famine could kill Billions. That is with a "B". A virulent plague could kill half of the world's populations. That would be three or so Billion. With a B. Every other country on this planet looks to us, either to help figure it all out, or as the country that is keeping it from being figured out. We are far from perfect and everyone understands this very, very clearly. China is trying to figure out whether to become us, reject us, turn back into a fake Socialist fantasy world or become more democratic, in hopes of staving off a revolt among its massive and increasingly angry population. Workers making iPhones for 75 cents an hour are glad to have a job, but not happy to see a Chinese plutocrat drive by in the back of a brand new Rolls Royce, with their two mistresses tickling them and feeding them caviar. You think our country has problems and a growing gulf between rich and poor? Please let me tell you about China. Almost everything you think you know about it is wrong.

It was a good night, today is a good day, as a nation I think we just avoided a train wreck. As a nation, we've got a lot of work to do over the next four years, but the wonderful thing is that no election will ever have the structural flaws that this one did. I could explain, but I think when you stop and think about details like appointments to the Supreme Court and the heads of government agencies you can figure it out for yourselves. There is a lot that will go very, very right in the years ahead, that will have resonances that will impact our nation and our history for the better. But we can celebrate all that later. For now it's time to get back to work. And for me it's time to go back to sleep, now that I've gotten this off my mind.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Real Question

Paul Krugman asks the relevant question. What next? Mitt Romney's boasts about being bi-partisan have been scathingly debunked as no more true than his claims about Jeep production being sent to China. In Massachusetts he was either at war with the Legislature, or trying to alter their work with over 800 line-item vetoes, that they thanked him for by over-riding them, in many cases unanimously. There is s reason that Mitt Romney is polling in the 30s in Massachusetts currently, which is unusual for a former Governor.

But back to Krugman. This really is the argument, isn't it? "If you want a government that works, then it HAS to be Republican or we will never let it function without constant fighting and intransigence, okay?"

In other words, elect us and support us or we will destroy the government and all that it stands for and is attempting to do on behalf of the American people. We don't WANT to have to do this, so the voters need to vote for us so that this will not have to happen.

What an offer. Have some corrupt morons in government, or a working majority of them. Okay, don't rush me now, I have to think about this...