It is obvious that you and Senator McCain have become completely desperate to find some way, any way, true or false, to defame the President. One can only speculate as to Senator McCain's motivations, but it increasingly looks like he is a Sore Loser. Your own actions appear to many (trending toward most) of the voters in the United States as a case of knee-jerk displaced loyalty.
I strongly suggest that you read the following: Official: Changes to Benghazi talking points made by intel community.
And then I strongly suggest that you man-up and apologize to UN Ambassador Susan Rice for your attempted smear campaign, which appeared to be targeting her as a way to try to damage the President. My President. Our President. A President who has been legally elected by the American people, the American voters, twice in a row. If that means nothing to you, then it damn well should.
If one wished to be extreme in their reaction to the recent actions of Senator McCain and you, some might call it treason. I will not go to that extreme. I will suggest, however, that your actions have been blatantly political, without basis, that they are, to quote Shakespeare:
A tale of sound and fury... signifying nothing.
If this is how you wish to be remembered, if this is how you wish your countrymen to view you, there is little that I can say to you. Your path to history's shadowy world of those who mistakenly abandoned their better principles in hopes of achieving political gain, or to "score points", is littered with the reputations of those who have chosen that dark and dishonorable path. It is not too late to recapture your honor, but your chance is fading fast. Once a person is judged to be beyond contempt, there is little or nothing that can be done to repair such damage.
Wake up. Please.
I do not like people who falsely attack my President. When you do so, I feel that you are attacking the country of my birth, that you are besmirching and trampling on everything that I was taught in school. I do not take that lightly, and I strongly object to such actions.
1 comment:
"I strongly suggest that you read the following: Official: Changes to Benghazi talking points made by intel community."
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
Apologise to your, our, president?
"Last week during a rare press conference, President Obama defended Rice saying that if McCain and others “want to go after someone they should go after me.” Bring it on, he says.
"Obama went on to say that Amb. Rice knew nothing about the Benghazi attack and was not involved in the gathering and analysis of intelligence regarding the attack, the killings of Americans and the terrorist group that perpetrated the shocking incident."
Then what the hell was she doing on five Sunday programs babbling about something she knew nothing about? To put her in the spotlight for Secretary of State I presume, and it backfired.
Diplomat: A person who is tactful and skillfull in managing delicate situations and handling people and relations with other countries.
This does not describe Susan Rice who has the reputation of being blunt, rude and abrasive.
"Back when she was an assistant secretary of state during the Clinton administration, she appalled colleagues by flipping her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff at the State Department, according to witnesses. Colleagues talk of shouting matches and insults."
There likely aren't enough Republican or Democratic votes in the Senate to confirm her and she certainly couldn't walk in Hillary Clinton's shoes, another person whom she has insulted on several occaisions.
I must say You certainly have missed your calling in life. George Orwell has been mentioned in Bad Hat a number of times so I assume that you are familiar with the character 'Squealer'.
Near the start of the book, Animal Farm, it is said that he was very convincing and could turn "black into white". Squealer’s logic is always tricky. Its whole purpose seems to be to trip up the other animals, to confuse them enough that all they can do is conclude resignedly that perhaps Squealer knows best.
Squealer serves as an allegorical figure for the power of propaganda or Spin Doctor, as they are called today.
You sir, are Spin Doctor extroidnaire!
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