When I listen the McCain campaign I hear him giving shout-outs to... Herbert Hoover. Say what? say who? I don't know much about Herbert Hoover except tht he managed to make the depression worse. By the same token, when McCain lashes out at Barack Obama and say that he is a "socialist" I really want to ask, what the heck is that? Who cares? McCain and three of his friends? Does he think Social Security is evil? apparently so. Does he think that medical care for every American would produce a nation of healthy but morally bankrupt children? Oh please. Our children are our most precious natural resource. If you are a dolt you use them as a talking point, instead of recognizing them to be our nation's most precious resource.
When McCain stands up at a podium in front of a small crowd of Republican zealots to tell them that he believes Barack Obama is a "redistributor" we must ask ourselves this, what the heck is he talking about? Has John McCain lost his mind? This is the John McCain that said that DROPPING the Reagan tax rates was "irresponsible" at a time of war. Yup, he called out his President. But it's okay, because several years later he said he just loved, loved, loved those Bush tax cuts and he would fight like a rabid chipmonk to make sure that they stayed, ruinously, in place. I mean, there is good sense, then there is getting elected. When it comes to a choice a real toad like McCain will always choose getting elected.
And Sarah McPalin? Oh my. Ted Stevens. She is sooo upset by the terrible things that "Uncle Ted" got caught for doing. She renounces, rejects, reviles and revisits all of her good feelings toward him. But guess what? Sarah Palin used to be the head of a 527 organization formed to support Ted Stevens. Cool, huh?
When McCain stands up at a podium in front of a small crowd of Republican zealots to tell them that he believes Barack Obama is a "redistributor" we must ask ourselves this, what the heck is he talking about? Has John McCain lost his mind? This is the John McCain that said that DROPPING the Reagan tax rates was "irresponsible" at a time of war. Yup, he called out his President. But it's okay, because several years later he said he just loved, loved, loved those Bush tax cuts and he would fight like a rabid chipmonk to make sure that they stayed, ruinously, in place. I mean, there is good sense, then there is getting elected. When it comes to a choice a real toad like McCain will always choose getting elected.
And Sarah McPalin? Oh my. Ted Stevens. She is sooo upset by the terrible things that "Uncle Ted" got caught for doing. She renounces, rejects, reviles and revisits all of her good feelings toward him. But guess what? Sarah Palin used to be the head of a 527 organization formed to support Ted Stevens. Cool, huh?
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