Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day Update

(Been quite an unhappy week for several people, but an enormously happy one for political junkies. Let's grin and bear it for a moment and look at some crazy stuff happening lately....)

  • Okay, so California votes big for Obama, great. The whole nation beginning the destruction of the old prejudices. Getting rid of the mindless, unreasonable hatreds of generations passed. Ah, except for Prop 8. You know, the one about those people. Mark Morford congratulates all of you.

  • Should it be Hillary, or John Kerry for Secretary of State? Or should one be saved for the Supreme Court? GoshAlmighty this is fun! Happy days are heeer again...oh the sky's......

  • Consider the state of the Republican Party. Newt Gingrich says it should be honest "about the level of failure over the past eight years." Well, hell. That would be a good start. Then maybe they could tell us what they did with all the money.

  • Think Right-Wing talk radio hosts are depressed? Ha. They're ecstatic! One of them even played a portion of Obama's acceptance speech, then said "Go screw yourself!" They can't wait. They've finally got 8 years of slanderous hate to vomit out at us. It's okay. You can come in here and hide. We have hot chocolate and cookies.

  • I'm so excited about Sarah Palin. She just won't crawl back into the cave she came from. She's going to keep talking, and talking, and talking. "Show me where the open door is. Even if it's cracked up a little bit, maybe I'll plow right on through that and maybe prematurely plow through it, but don't let me miss an open door." I told you this would fun from here on.

  • Oh, and Happy Veteran's Day, Bush Administration style.

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