Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More On McCain

(At this moment, as Hillary wins big in Kentucky, and we await Obama's big win in Oregon, Arthur continues his analysis of John McCain....)

I second what Uncle Bob has to say about McCain. Many men were injured in Vietnam. Why is he special?

I have a question for us to consider. Is it more noble and laudable to be injured flying a jet, than it is being mortared hiding in a foxhole?

If so, why?

Let me be blunt: getting shot up or hurt while serving in the Vietnam War does not, in itself, qualify one to serve in the office of President. If it did, there would be more than 300,000 men and women who would be qualified to be President.

Fine, it is a great p.r. gimmick, but once we get past that, don't we need to ask, "What the heck has this guy done?"

The answer in McCain's case is, sucked up to Charles Keating and his money, stolen from an S&L that the Government later needed to bail out, cozied up to lobbiests, slept around when he discovered his wife had been badly injured while he was in captivity in Vietnam, and then he married a Republican beer heiress.

Please tell me, what about that resume makes him worth a good Goddamn? The chance for a free Budweiser? Please.

I may need many, many, many Budweisers if this rightwing asshole gets elected. But a "hero"? Who can say? I should mention that I have become friends with the top aide to a far rightwing GOP Congressman over the last two years. Don't ask, politics makes strange bedfellows. My chum used to be in the CIA, for twenty years has worked for GOP Congressmen, is thinking of retiring, and believes with every fiber of his being that McCain is a "Manchurian Candidate". In support of that surprising claim he says that when it comes to censure of Vietnam or China, McCain is always the one who pulls the rug at the last minute.

Why would he do that, given how supposedly horrible his captivity was? I defer to Uncle Bob in regard to that question, but I do not want to have McCain as President. Or Dogcatcher.

As often happens, coming at it from entire different directions, Bob and I ended up in the same place.


And by the way, when it comes to possible appointments to the Supreme Court, McCain, in the unlikely event that he was elected, would be more of a problem than Bush has been.

Wonderful. Worse than Bush. That might be a nice bumper sticker, eh?


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