Saturday, August 18, 2012

Weekend Update - The Finger Edition

(Now with those silly-assed Olympics out of the way maybe dear god we can get back to the important thing on television: America's Got Talent.  They actually had the gumption to put the entire contest on hold for three weeks just when we were really getting into it.  I can't even remember who was in the final running.  Oh wait, I remember that kid who can street dance while contorting his body into odd shapes, kinda like watching a jaywalker getting hit by a car.  I think his name is Landau Eugene Murphy Jr.  With a name like that, he's got to be good; my apologies to the Smucker's people. There's also a magician who's quite awesome.  At any rate, let's get on with it NBC.  But I digress ...)
  • Mitt Romney is a difficult man to care about.  He never says anything of substance, he has no real ideas or visions.  He's bland and dry like a piece of unbuttered cold toast.  And now there's something called Mitt Revulsion Syndrome (MRS).  News articles go unread, channels are changed, blogs are avoided (except for this one, of course) whenever there's a mention of The Plastic Man.  Even people on the Right find themselves longing for the cowboy-up bullshit of Dubya Bush.  Mark Morford sums all this up in "Mitt Romney vs. Dead Potted Plant."
  • Come with me for a moment back to 1974.  Tricky Dick Nixon had just admitted that he was, after all, indeed "a crook" and resigned.  His vice-president, Gerald Ford, became President.  Gerald Ford had to pick his own vice-president and he chose Nelson Rockefeller.  Now Nelson, had to be confirmed by the Senate, and being one of the richest men in America at the time, he didn't want to release his tax returns to anyone, especially the MSM.  Evidently rich people don't want the common folk to see how they make their billions.  At any rate, eventually, before Nelson Rockefeller was confirmed as VP, he had to cough up SEVEN YEARS of tax returns.  Now then, here's my question:  Why hasn't the MSM jumped all over Mitt Romney, who has given congress the finger and has refused to turn over any of his tax returns?  With the exception of Rachel Maddow, where's the outrage?
  • Here's a fact for you:  Seventy-five percent of Americans nearing retirement age in 2010 had less than $30,000 in their retirement accounts. The specter of downward mobility in retirement is a looming reality for both middle- and higher-income workers. Almost half of middle-class workers, 49 percent, will be poor or near poor in retirement, living on a food budget of about $5 a day. William Rivers Pitt writes "Beneath the Bottom of the Barrel." 
  • And speaking of barrels, my nephew sent me a picture of a barrel of something labeled "Black Liquor," the other day.  I didn't know what exactly it was, but in spite of sounding delicious over rocks with a lemon twist, I could see by the picture it wasn't the type of thing you'd want in your mouth.  Turns out that "Black Liquor" is the Koch Brothers' moonshine.  Jim Hightower explains.
  • We love Joe Biden.  We love Joe Biden because he says what he thinks, and sometimes what he thinks doesn't get through the political filter and shredder before it comes out of his mouth.  He did it again the other day.  Joe was speaking to an audience in southern Virginia containing a large number of black people.  He was pontificating on Mitt Romney when he said " ... he’s going to let the big banks write their own rules — unchain Wall Street."  And then he added the punchline: “They’re going to put y’all back in chains.”  Kinda silly, and the Right is all over it, of course, but what if crafty old Joe is doing this on purpose?


Jon said...

"..........but what if crafty old Joe is doing this on purpose?

Are you kidding me? Let me give you a couple of "Crafty old Joe" examples and you tell me the purpose, OK?

1. Crafty old Joe introduces the President at the signing ceremony for Obamacare back in March 2010. He turns to the President and with his mike still open says, "This is a big fucking deal". Sure it's a big deal but the puropse of the F word escapes me.
2. Crafty old Joe at a Missouri podium stumping for Obama in 2008 says, "Chuck Graham, state senator, is here. Chuck stand up and let us see ya. Oh! God love ya, what am I talking about? I tell you what, you're making everybody else stand up pal" and it goes on as he goes into the crowd to meet Chuck who is a paraplegic from an auto accident at age 16 and is in a wheelchair.

CNN Link:

Don't get me wrong here. I think Joe Biden is a fine man and solid political figure who represents his country well. He has survived a great family tradgedy has a great sense of humor and means to be charming and appropriate but his alligator jaws often engage prior to that chemical synapse thing to the brain.
This particular "brilliant Gaffe" didn't sit well with older black folk. Consider Douglas Wilder, the first Black governor in America of Virginia said this:

Wilder, the former Democratic governor of Virginia, took a different view.

“First of all, without question they were appeals to race,” Wilder told CNN on Wednesday. “The important thing I got out of this was Biden separated himself from what he accused the people of doing. As a matter of fact, what he said is they are going to do something to y’all, not to me. Not us. So he was still involved with that separate American.”

Wilder echoed his view in interviews with Fox News and AP. “You can forgive people for gaffes, but there comes a time when you realize you’re forgiving the same guy for making the same mistakes,” he told AP. Wilder claims he has recieved a large positive response from Black folk about his appearances on national MSM about this 'brilliant gaffe'.

Just let Joe be Joe and don't pretend to cover him with this "On first blush, Joe Biden is an embarrassment. On second, he’s the best tool a president could have." crap.

E.P. Rush said...

Kidding you? Me? Oh go on. I could say something about the difference between your vice-president Cheney telling a congressman of the United States to go fuck himself, but I'd just be arguing like you do, so I won't. If the "purpose of the 'F' word" escapes you, look it up. Also, while you're there, look up the word gaffe. It's an oops. Like telling someone in a wheelchair to stand up and be recognized. It's not mean, it's a mistake. A "gaffe" if you will. Your boy Dubya was so famous for it someone wrote an ENTIRE BOOK of his gaffes. Sold quite well, if I remember. The story you refer to was, I admit, a bit much, but as you well know, I include stuff like this in the Updates just to keep your old Conservative heart beating. God knows you have little else this year.