Friday, July 13, 2012

Them, as Opposed to Us

A Chickenshit Politico Article

I just sent an abusive letter to Politico, suggesting they might want to grow a pair for a change, instead of writing chickenshit that examines what one side says versus what the other side says and speculates that what one side says "could" mean that someone was guilty of a felony, if of course that were true, which that perp says it is not, so oh gosh golly how confusing it all is to be a journalist, isn't it? Must hug Teddy, suck thumb and think about Kansas. Cowardly asswipes.

So Mitt may have committed a Felony? Oooooooooooooo boy would that be fun. All over this country those who are poor get arrested and tossed in the jug for stealing a bag of potato chips and a six-pack, while the very wealthy appear able to bluff, double-talk, say "gosh" and "golly" a lot and their lawyers get them off without any legal consequences whatsoever.

When is that going to stop? When is Teflon Mitt going to be held responsible for the gulf between what he says and what he actually did? Is that too much for the American people to ask?

Or have we in fact become a Banana Republic?

Two Sets of Tax Laws

One set of rules for Mitt, one set of rules for the rest of us?

And this guy seriously thinks we should make him President and give him greater power to enrich himself, his family and friends, and who knows who or what else? The last time I looked the Mormon Church seemed to be doing very well, thanks, but I would notice that those who have lots of money always seem able to envision what they could ALSO do if they just had a few hundred million or billion more. Why, the sky could be the limit!

Me, I notice that I somehow paid a good deal higher tax rate than Mitt Romney last year, even though it looked as though he could afford to have paid more without having to cut back on his lifestyle very much. Am I missing something here? Is his wealth and his low taxes something that God has ordained and our nation should shut up and applaud, or would electing him as President be a great deal like electing a Chisler-in-Chief? A fox, newly installed as the Hen House Manager?


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