Can someone - anyone - tell me why gas prices are so high? No, really. Now that I'm retired I should be out driving around, visiting friends and relatives, traveling a little, getting some "me time." But I damn near have to take out a loan just to fill up the tank before the trip, and gawdhelpme I have to do it again when I get home. What's the deal? Oil prices are down, demand is down, supply is up, and gas prices just keep going up. Why isn't congress launching a huge investigation and pounding their fists on their respective podiums demanding inquiries and law suits and arrests? Oh wait, I think I know ...
- "According to current estimates, OPEC member countries have made significant additions to their oil reserves in recent years … As a result, OPEC's proven oil reserves currently stand at well above 1,190 billion barrels." And that's a report from OPEC's own website.
- The price of gas keeps going up, and our standard of living keeps going down because of it. The oil companies get away with, of course, because those giant billion dollar a year profits makers have congress, and even presidential campaigns in their pockets. Let's face it folks, there ain't much we can do about it.
- And oh does the money flow when those high flying horse dancing Republicans get together for a weekend of fun, frivolity, and $15 a glass Scotch. Money seems to be no object for these people. Do you think they managed to talk about how high gas prices are affecting the poor in America? Nah, why spoil a good party?
- But we all know that corporations are people, according to our beloved Supreme Court, and now Mitch McConnell thinks proposed legislation requiring companies to disclose their campaign spending would stifle their free speech. He describes the current push to disclose the sources behind campaign contributions as a “political weapon,” used by the Democrats, “to expose its critics to harassment and intimidation.” Most of us call that accountability.
- Let's assume you're a congressman. Lobbyists come before you to influence you to vote for whatever giant multimillion dollar company they work for, and because of all the handouts and perks you receive from them, you vote in favor of that company. But before you do, you call your broker and buy up some of that company's stock. And because of your vote the stock goes up and you make millions. In most places that's called "insider trading." Pretty neat little trick, right? Should be illegal, right? Guess what ...
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