Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Here's Some News

(Arthur has returned from his trip to China and files this report.)

When I was traveling overseas I was pleasantly surprised by the Bloomberg News International Channel, that seemed far less blindly pro-business than CNBC or any of the other Business channels. It appeared to be focused on reporting news, rather than manufacturing it. Mayor Bloomberg sounds like a complete tool, but his television channel and his news service may be worth paying attention to. Polls are only as good as their design and their questions. Bloomberg seems to have come up with quite different results from Rasmussen (a GOP front) and the more mainstream (or so I thought) pollsters like Gallup. One thing that one can say about Bloomberg is that he is so wealthy that he couldn't be bought, whereas the others? Not so clear that they could not be swayed by some generous backhanders. Think it couldn't happen in this great country? Umm, think again. Karl Rove's secret PAC has been raising gazillions, and that is just the public part of the process. Anyone who thinks that there isn't any black money floating around this election year should sit down and think about it for a moment. It has been estimated that Mitt Romney will be asked to pay up to five million dollars a year more in taxes if he isn't able to (a) win the election, and (b) stop the Bush tax cuts from expiring as they are scheduled to do. Oh, and that huge deficit that means that we should short-change retirees and demolish Medicare, Social Security, Welfare, Education, Road building, Medical research, Student Loans, Firemen, Policemen and Teachers? That would not exist, were it not for the "Bush Tax Cuts". In a recent speech Bush said he wished those tax cuts had a different name, since he did not enjoy hearing about how negative their impact had been. Tsk, tsk, poor little Georgie!
I continue to be strongly of the opinion that the American people have every right to create massive boycotts of Billionaires who donate to Super PACs. I think the entire Super PAC model and the "Citizens United" decision by the Supreme Court was a travesty and a disgusting perversion of the principles our country stands for. The Supreme Court needs some retirements and replacements of the ideological stiffs who have brought us such poor decisions. Given who got them in office, it would also be fair to describe it as the "Bush Court", though that might give George an additional bit of pain and tentative connection to reality.
What I find fascinating in the Bloomberg poll is that the majority of Americans appear quite able to see what a sheltered and entitled tool Mitt Romney is. I find that quite encouraging. I was interested to read that Romney recently got a $77,000 tax write-off for losses associated with his part ownership of a "dancing horse". I don't wish to appear to be a hayseed, but a dancing horse? Seriously? Presumably one that enters into "dancing horse competitions"? Wow. The Late Night comedians must be sending Romney thank you notes.

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