(Deep in thought this morning as I contemplate this May Day. For example, it was on May Day in 1960 that the ever-so-hapless Francis Gary Powers was shot out of the sky over Sverdlovsk, USSR when his U2 spy plan wasn't flying quite high enough. The contemplative factor of all this is the following: Just before bailing out of his flaming black bird, did he scream "May Day! May Day!" into his microphone? and if so, did he fully realize the irony of that scream? But we digress ...)
- Of course everyone knows this, but let's state it again: You can tell a person's political affiliation just by looking at his face. For example, do you look severe and constipated, nervous and ruddy, fearful the gays are coming to convert your cat and steal your fetish porn? You're a Republican. Do you look warm and approachable, calm and likable, slightly insane and mushy as a tofu popsicle? You're a Democrat. This is just one of 10 Amazing Truths You Already Suspected compiled by Mark Morford.
- It's probably just my bleeding-heart-liberalism talking, but someone needs to reach out to Glenn Beck and get him the mental health treatments he so obviously needs. He's getting worse. Here's just the latest: A story has surfaced nationally with a surreal Glenn Beck segment and two ludicrous Fox News discussions highlighting the false claim that Brandeis University was hosting an international conference linking the Tea Party movement to Nazis in Europe. "I was the Target of a Fox News Hoax"
- Heard about that new law in Arizona? Seems the cops can stop you if just look like you might be an illegal alien (undocumented worker in polite speech). Somewhere in the back of the brain we can hear a voice with a German accent saying "your papers, please ..." So, do we point fingers and blame at the good people of Arizona? Frank Rich says it all goes much deeper than that.
- As if Louisiana hasn't had enough trouble, now an off-shore oil platform has exploded and sank in the Gulf, and the oil slick could be worse than the Exxon-Valdez disaster. But wait, there's more. Investigators delving into the possible cause of the massive oil spill are focusing on the role of Houston-based Halliburton Co., the giant energy services company, which was responsible for cementing the drill into place below the water. The company acknowledged Friday that it had completed the final cementing of the oil well and pipe just 20 hours before the blowout last week. Combine this information with the knowledge that Dick (we-call-him-Dick) Cheney is in league with Satan and, well, draw your own conclusions.
- Well it was only a matter of time before President Obama would get caught up in some sort of sex scandal. Get ready for it, because here it comes. Who else but The National Enquirer has gotten the scoop on Obama's secret hotel rendezvous with a beautiful woman. Jesusmaryandjoseph ...
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