(And so the boy turns sixtyfiveyearsold. Good Lord. I find lately I've used the phrase "If I'da known I was gonna live this long I'da taken better care of myself" more than I ordinarily would [which would be never]. Tomorrow I sign up for Medicare part A, whatever that may be, under the direction of my advisor down at the salt mine. I wonder, is getting the sewer line in your back yard replaced part of the "aging process?" Removing fence portions, backhoe tracks over the rose bushes, patios ripped up piece by piece, and the lawn? I'm not actually doing any of the work, but I'm feeling pains previously unknown to my body. They say 65 is the new 50. Well who the hell are "they" and why don't they just leave us alone? Kill me now. But I digress ... )
- Remember that pesky little war in Iraq? The one we were assured would only last a few months and then we'd be greeted as liberators? Well, it's still going on, regardless of what you may have heard. And just when we'd like to forget about the whole shameful thing here comes this intense horrific little video. It's an 18-minute video, and it appears to be shot from the point of view of Apache helicopter pilots surveying a Baghdad neighborhood in 2007. It shows attacks that caused the deaths of 12 to 15 Iraqis, including two Reuters staff members, and the injury of two small children. Even more chilling than the video, is the audio. I offer it to you with the hope it makes you feel ill. WikiLeaks.Org
- Okay, maybe it's time to start using the "S" word. It's at least time to openly confront the fact that conservatives have spent the past 40 years systematically delegitimizing the very idea of US government. What's the word? Sedition - "The crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction." Throw all the traitorous bastards in jail. Not enough room? Build more jails. Bygawd.
- The US Supreme Court recently voted to give giant US Corporations the same rights as average citizens. Then someone then please explain this to me: Most of struggle each year to compile enough money from our meager earnings to pay our fair share of income tax while huge American corporations like General Electric ($10.3 billion in pretax income), and Exon Mobil ($45.2 billion!) paid NO US taxes whatsoever. I figger rights is rights. I'm thinking of incorporating myself. (Is that possible?)
- "We know who you are and we know how you voted." The cretinous moron club, a group so low they don't even qualify for Bad Hat Idiot's of the Week, has sunken even lower than usual with their latest attacks: A rash of ugliness aimed at lawmakers who supported the sweeping federal health care legislation. Some lawmakers have been spit on and several have reported receiving threatening calls. Glenn Beck, et al, are doing their "job" well. Again I say, build more jails.
- You've got to give Sarah Palin this one, she's become an all-American brand name. This gritty little idiot, with all her down-home you-betcha folkyness has just absolutely won our hearts with her ... well, her grit? Pluck? Chutzpah? Golly, she's got her own TV show and everything. She's scheduled to show up in our dear old Eugene in a few days, and tickets to her speech are sold out. At $250 a pop. No, I will not be attending.
- In releasing the results of an in-depth nuclear strategy review, President Barack Obama said his administration would narrow the circumstances in which the U.S. might launch a nuclear strike, that it would forgo the development of new nuclear warheads and would seek even deeper reductions in American and Russian arsenals. Ohboy, this is gonna piss those conservative nuke lovers off. Remember Major Kong in the Movie "Dr. Stranglove?" "Oh hell, we aint come this far to drop this baby in the drink." Well, without their over abundance of nuclear weapons, just what are all those war mongers gonna do?
- And finally, Bad Hat's Idiot of the Week Dr. Jack Cassell, 56, a Florida urologist who considers the national health-care overhaul to be bad medicine for the country, posted a sign on his office door telling patients who voted for President Barack Obama to seek care "elsewhere." He said he got his information about the health care bill off the Internet, "like most Americans." If I lived in Florida, I would never let this man touch my peepee. (Settle down, I said he was a urologist.)
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