(Had to change the look of Bad Hat, but finally got Bad Hat Chief Political Correspondent Arthur in Marin County to break out his famous pen for us. Welcome back Arthur!) by Arthur in Marin County
I am writing this in part to celebrate the stunning move of Bad Hat to unexpected heights of graphic stylishness. Who knew it could aim that high? Daily Kos and Huffington Post, eat your tacky hearts out!
In case you've forgotten, this is just a quick reminder that the Republican Party has been driving most of the American people crazy for a couple of decades now. Okay, longer. And while I am a live and let-live kinda guy, I'm just a notch away from dismissing them as political toadies and suckers-up to corrupt financial market manipulators and chiselers. But it would be wrong for me to do so and I have decided that I will not do it, no matter how true everyone knows it to be. See, it's time for a kindlier, gentler American public, one ready to forgive, but never, ever forget. Does John Boehner seem to have fallen asleep with his ManTan Rinse (TM) on and gotten a bit yellowed in the process, like an antique book? Does Senator (cough) Mitch McConnell look like his face is a fruit that was left out too long in the sun? Do both of those guys seem to be reading from a list of talking points drawn up for them by conservative Frank Luntz, to whom the truth is but a minor impediment, to be leaped in a single bound of slander and dishonesty? To call these folks out for the obvious jerks they are... would not be nice. So I, for one, will not do so.
But what we could do is this. We could support a guy called
Kendrick Meek, currently serving in relative obscurity in the House of Representatives, for US Senator. From Florida. Who else is running? Governor Charlie Crist, a moderate Republican who is about to get swamped in the primary by Mario Rubio, who some might describe as a rightwing jerk and psycho. I would not. It wouldn't be right. But in the GOP primary this Rubio guy looks like he might whup on Charlie Crist. So Crist is thinking about running as an "independent". Good on him if he does, but that could easily split the vote like this: wingnut - moderate GOP - Democrat. Now since Florida is pretty well split between Democrats and Republicans (remember 2000?) it would stand to reason that Crist and Rubio might well split their base into a moderate/wingnut pissing match.
And there is one thing more; Kendrick Meek is African-American. I am not sure whether that is a plus or a minus for him, given that Obama did okay in Florida, but some of the Republicans would choke on their own spit if Meek won. I don't know much about Meek. He seems a decent and intelligent guy, he played football, was for a period of time a Florida Highway Patrolman. How many candidates for the US Senate could say that? You want "Law and Order"? How about electing a guy who really, really knows what it is like out there on the streets. Florida? There is no way I would want to try to keep the peace in Florida. Too much drug money, too many crazy people.
And there is one other thing about Meek that I like. If he wins, not only does it look like he'd do a quite capable job as a Democratic Senator, he'd do something else, too. He would probably do a very, very good job of outing all of the closet racists in the GOP who are winking and nodding at the crypto-racist "tea party activists". I am not saying that Mitch McConnell's head would explode, nor that John Boehner's would. But it would not make them happy. And for them to be unhappy would make me and many other Americans very, very, very happy right about now, because I am sick to death of those weasels. Ooops... I mean, "those gentlemen".
There is not much we can do to convince
Charlie Crist to bolt from the GOP and run as an "independent". I don't think we need to. I think his ambition will do it for us. Crist loooves to be on TV. If he loses this election he will not be on TV as often. My money is on Crist jumping ship. And the rest will be history... anyhow, that's my bet as to what will happen.