Sunday, April 6, 2008

Weekend Update - April 5th

  • Okay, so Barack Obama is THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT AND HE COULD REALLY CHANGE THE WORLD and stuff, but what is the very best thing about him? Mark Morford tells us.

  • We do admire Hillary Clinton, really. If she manages to become the Democratic nominee for President, we'll vote for her. But here's The Top Ten Myths Keeping Hillary In the Race.

  • And on a lighter note, we regress to the era of Frank Sinatra. I think this might be funny, but I'm not sure. You be the judge.

  • The Iraq War is costing each American household about $100 a month. That seriously cuts into my liquor bill. This has got to stop.

  • I was going to go lightly on Hillary this Update, but she was in Eugene yesterday giving a speech in my old high school gym. And alas, she screwed up again....

  • Well, at least Democrats aren't the only ones telling whoppers. Poor old John McCain can't keep his poop straight either.

  • Dammit George, we warned you from the beginning. Yer gonna be the Worse President Ever. Click here to find out why.

  • Just when you thought it was safe... McCain says he'll seek education help from Jeb Bush. No, really. I'm serious.

  • The Internet. "Beware the New New Thing."
  • This week's picture is a drawing of Spring by my son Jonathan when he was 4 years old. He's going to be a dentist when he grows up. He says.

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