Sunday, April 6, 2008

Any Rabbits Left In This Hat?

(Just got this from Arthur before shutting down for the the night, and weekend. By the way, just starting my vacation this week, attempting to learn how to use my new birthday iPod. This gadget will hold 8G of songs, movies, podcasts, and dirty pictures downloaded from the Internet. Thanks Uncle Bob. If you need me, I'll be in my room. Love to all, JP.)

Something about Mark Penn taking a meeting and a large retainer to lobby on behalf of the right-wing Columbian government just looked sort of bad. Being a decisive leader, Hillary Clinton decided what many of her staff have been saying for about a year, the guy was not an asset to her campaign. It will be interesting to see how her campaign changes in the weeks ahead. That's about all the time she has left to pull about fifteen pink fuzzy rabbits out of a hat in order to save her flagging campaign. I doubt that there are enough days in the week, and enough weeks in the month, and enough months in the year, for her to pull it off.
And since I am strongly anti-dynastic, I think that is all to the good. I do feel like trying something entirely different. Something good and different, as contrasted to the John McCain different in a bad way change. (See note below)

(Click Here)

At the very least, perhaps this will permit Clinton to end her campaign on a high note, rather than an extended wallow in the mud.

(Editor's note: The Bad Hat staff is divided over what Arthur is saying here. But we love this guy so much, we can only offer up one explanation for his sentence structure in this instance. His 7th grade French teacher. There's more to this story than he's willing to tell, we wager.) More on Mark Penn.

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