Saturday, February 23, 2008

Weekend Update - February 23rd

  • While most of you have probably heard by now that I'm retiring from Lane Transit this August, let's start things in the right direction with this: Debunking the Hemp Conspiracy Theory.

  • Fidel Castro slumps away, Bush races to history's dungheap, and 13 million TVs prepare to die. Are you ready? Mark Morford comments on the end of an era.

  • How to Stay In Iraq for the Next One Million Years. Tom Engelhardt

  • The myth of The Surge. Hoping to turn enemies into allies, U.S. forces are arming Iraqis who fought with the insurgents. But it's already starting to backfire. A report from the front lines of the new Iraq.

  • Dittoheads nationwide are spewing and foaming, and comedian Rush Limbaugh slips off his meds and calls Liberals "snakes." It would all be quite funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
  • And then there's the racist ass wad Bill O'Reilly who wants to start a "lynch party" for Barak Obamma's wife. Holy crap!

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