McCain might be able to claim that he did not actually have sex with that Lobbyist woman, that since he often was in bed with lobbyists, that doing so doesn't really mean anything. There are some interesting statistics in this article. I definitely want to elect the Democratic Party candidate who can independently raise stacks of money (Obama) so he can stand up to the corporate money flowing in to the other (dark) side. This is shaping up as an interesting election campaign, for an entire host of reasons.
By the way, if you watch the last of the debate last night, watch during Clinton's moving rendition of a John Edwards speech, that he delivered during an earlier debate. Clinton's reading of it was even better than Edwards'. But did she give credit to Edwards, as she was all over Obama for not doing? Nope, not a word. Watch Obama while she is doing that. He is not a happy man. In fact, I would argue that his body language says he is furious. He had just been raked over the coals on national TV and accused of being nothing more than a "xerox". Mere minutes later, there is Clinton delivering a purloined speech, almost... yes, almost as though she hoped that he would explode on camera. It didn't work, if that was what she and her advisors hoped for. She had a nice speech, but my sense is that she hoped for much, much more. But just as that particular speech served as a swan song for John Edwards, it may well signal the start of her farewell tour. It was interesting to see how Obama acts when he is tired, is said to have a cold, and someone tries to blindside him. He seemed very rigid for about five minutes, then appeared able to shake it off. That works.
And all through the evening Clinton smiled that amazing stainless- steel smile, a facial mannerism intended to convey confidence, radiance, high spirits, warmth and good humor, but in the end, signifying... nothing.
She is a hell of a campaigner. They both are. I am feeling good about the general election, though it will get very, very strange before it is over. Racist stuff, anti-Moslem stuff, zenophobia, fear, fear-mongering, attack ads, false claims, phony bimbo eruptions, lies, fake national crises, avuncular statements about the "grave threats" to America if Democrats are elected. All sort of Big Brother, version 1.2b. If you want to see what Orwell envisioned, stay tuned.
Obama is running the smartest political campaign I have ever seen. The Edwards campaign was just... ineffective. Nice guy, valuable discussion of the gulf between rich and poor, an important voice in the early campaign. But do you want to see a campaign with legs? Donate as little as one dollar to the Obama campaign and you are in for an education in what can be done with even the most minimal contact from a voter. They reach out to ask your opinion, to engage you in writing to super-delegates, to donate, to make a pledge to match the donation of a first time donor, then they put you in touch with that new donor so you can bond. Then they ask you to come and work in the office and make calls to Ohio, to stuff envelopes, to call donors, to... and the list goes on. They don't just tell you all about what THEY are doing, they tell you about what they need you to help make happen. It takes both the donations and the interest on the part of a voter and grabs them and gives them a job. That multiplies their donation ten-fold. Seriously, send them one dollar, or five dollars, and you'll see. You can unsubscribe, but I think you will find, as I have, that it is fascinating to watch one of the cleverest people-based political machines I ever hope to see in operation, as it increasingly looks as though history is being made. Oh, stuff can always go wrong. Nothing is certain. But crossing a street has a risk, too. And I agree with Obama's base premise, we are badly in need of a major change right now. Being stupid is not charming, nor good governance.
Oh... and cozying up to a herd of lobbyists is not a sign of character.
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