I'm not really sure how I feel about the killing of Osama bin Laden last week. Probably a better comment about it all would have the phrase "mixed emotions" in it somewhere. Personally deep down I'm pleased the crazy bastard is dead, of course. Even liberal commies like myself are pleased with that fact, I'm sure. As a matter of fact I hope in the few moments before life passed out of his body he experienced several frightening visions. I hope, as he heard his killers coming up the stairs he felt a cold desperate fear of losing control of his destiny, like being captive on a low-flying airliner, headed toward downtown New York city. I hope, as his killers burst into his room and aimed the barrel of a gun at him, he saw the last few seconds of life he had, like the woman who was recorded saying
"oh my God" seconds before that plane slammed into the first tower of the WTC. I hope, as the first bullet ripped through his chest and the gun barrel slowly rose and aimed at his right eye, bin Laden experienced the helpless dread of someone resigned to jump out a 90th floor window to escape the raging inferno behind him. I hope, as this bastard's final thought, as the last bullet began blasting out a portion of his skull and brain, that he realized the total despair and waste and loss and the humanity and insanity of the religious bullshit that makes mankind hate each other in the name of their own personal god, amen.
And I hope that killing this bastard is going to make a difference in this world. I hope it's going to make things better. I hope the killing will stop now. I hope we can bring all our troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq. And I hope that now we can get on an airplane and go visit relatives across the country without having to take the baby's shoes off at the airport, and have our bodies searched and probed and violated just to ride on one of those cursed missiles, and we can stop kissing the tarmac when we land.
I hope the fear can go away now.
Because if it doesn't, I hope we can somehow justify what we have done. How many innocent dead in Iraq? How many innocent dead in Afghanistan? How many American fathers mothers brothers sisters blown up shot blown away homes destroyed limbs mangled blinded disfigured killed killed killed ...
I have a terribly hard time believing in God. But if there is such a thing, if he really really exists somewhere up there in the cosmos, I seriously doubt he wants us killing each other in his name, for any reason. But what do I know?
Osama bin Laden is dead. Whoopee.
1 comment:
"I hope, as the first bullet ripped through his chest and the gun barrel slowly rose and aimed at his right eye, bin Laden experienced the helpless dread of someone resigned to jump out a 90th floor window to escape the raging inferno behind him. I hope, as this bastard's final thought, as the last bullet began blasting out a portion of his skull and brain, that he realized the total despair and waste and loss and the humanity and insanity of the religious bullshit that makes mankind hate each other in the name of their own personal god, amen."
As I read this description of Osama's demise I can't help but think about the controversial treatment of his underling, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the architect of 9/11 and 1993 Twin Towers calamity, the Colbert towers incident, the USS Cole, the 2 African embassies, Daniel Pearl, the Bali nightclub thing, the shoe bomber and so on.
So we can't pour water on this douchebag's face, who wants to kill every one of us because it's deemed torture by some leftwing folk and compromises our moral standing in the world and is somehow illegal according to International Law, and geewhiz, they might pour water on our captured soldier's faces and that would be inconceivable humiliation and torture that our boys couldn't withstand.
Well I got a newsflash for you folks who haven't paid attention to the training phase of Navy SEAL team 6. "Waterboarding" is one small element of a program to push a man past his mental and physical limits to see how he will respond.
Lt. Clint Bruce, SEAL Team leader said, I don't care who you are or how you have prepared, they will find your weakness and they will break you down and see how you react after being taken beyond your personal mental or physical breaking point.
So you may not see the irony here but it is very clear to me that the very boys who have endured liberal defined "torture" carried out this mission.
Now, we can't pour water on KSM's face because that's torture but, we can go into a sovereign country without their permission, land helicopters in this guys front yard, kick the door in, climb the stairs into his bedroom and blow his head off and that's all good and proper. Please explain the Progressive logic associated with this celebration and burial at sea.
Do you think that Daniel Pearl's family would have traded 183 water boarding sessions to have his head back on his shoulders?
Finally, this quote:
"humanity and insanity of the religious bullshit that makes mankind hate each other in the name of their own personal god, amen."
A good friend of mine recently sent me this missive which seems appropriate because he also wrote the quote above.
"Well now that's a bit unfair, my friend. Twas not a religion that raped this woman. Twas beastly men. All religions have 'em.
slap yerself."
I remind him that Egypt is 90% Muslim.
Twas not a religion that slammed into the World Trade Center.......................
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