(Endless make-up baseball games. The Kid is playing baseball, complete with uniform and cup! to protect those precious family jewels, and because of this terrible Oregon spring, the weather hasn't cooperated one little bit. So whenever there's a break in the rain they play make-up games. He's pretty good, actually. He's not afraid to slide, he's got a pretty good arm for an 11 year-old, and he's always ready to crowd the base and take one for the team. That last part I wish he'd stop doing, but what the hey. It's Father's Day, and I'm certainly the proud father in this picture. It's the middle of June fer crissakes, and we have yet to have an 80 degree day. Can we blame this on BP? But I digress ...)
- Let's start with some wonderfully good news, my friends. For those of you who insist on believing in god, I'm here to tell you he seems to have a really good sense of humor. Why else would he decide to send a lightening bolt down and totally destroy a 6-story statue of Jesus? Apparently god is just a regular guy. You ever have that fine, epiphanic moment when you realize an eyesore's an eyesore and it's time for some, you know, housecleaning? And what better way to rid yourself of some of the more hideous crap laying about than maybe tossing it into a nice bonfire? By the highway? In Ohio? God has those moments, too. Something about this story I just love. Mark Morford reports.
- If you have to be crazy to run for office, consider if you will Rick Barber, a "tea party" candidate for congress, who seems to be avocating the voilent overthrow of the government. Click Here.
- And speaking of idiots, here's an evangelist who believes homosexuality, headaches, and dandruff are all caused by demons - gay demons, headache demons, and demons of dandruff. And it seems that Bishop Harry Jackson was mad because the Obama White House invited the Secular Student Alliance to a meeting of the White House's Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Shame, shame.
- In yachting news this week, BP chief executive Tony Hayward took a day off Saturday to see his 52-foot yacht "Bob" compete in a glitzy race off England's shore, a leisure trip that further infuriated residents of the oil-stained Gulf Coast. Well gosh, Tony hasn't had a day off ever since his oil rig exploded. What concerns me is the imagination it took for a multi-millionaire oil executive to name his yacht "Bob."
- It's called the "Active Denial System," and apparently it's some sort of high-tech microwave "pain ray" that makes whoever it's used against feel like they're on fire. And guess what? It's being "tested" right now in Afghanistan. Now if that isn't called "winning the hearts and minds," I don't know what is. God bless America.
- Check out this book review: The Overton Window is, quite simply, a failure as a piece of fiction. The book is billed as a "thriller," but it is mind-numbingly boring, with pages upon pages spent rehashing long-winded, anti-big government sermonizing thinly disguised as "dialogue." It is filled with plot holes, inexplicable character motivations, tired clichés, characters who are introduced out of left field only to conveniently advance the inane plot, other characters that exist for no apparent reason, and characters we are supposed to like who say things like "don't tease the panther." Hardly good enough for a door stop. The author? Our very own whipping boy-idiot Glenn Beck.
1 comment:
And that statue was totally destroyed; nothing was left of that particular idol.
I have to wonder how that group is going to interpret this: will they become iconoclasts? will they ascribe the lightning to some malevolent deity - perhaps Thor? I mean, the real story is about how this group of dolts who apparently believe it's cool to spend thousands on some hokum representation of their own imaginings is going to deal with a real example of divine wrath.
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