(Got the taxes done and E-filed, actually going to get a tidy little sum back this year. I probably made some sort of criminally insane mistake, but I'm not afraid of them finding out. The government is too busy keeping us from getting health care reform. But wait, what's this? Something's going on here. The "single payer" option is back? Well blow me ...ahem ...down. It's all insane. Our Conservative Friend says that a recent CNN poll shows that 52% of Americans think Obama will be a one-term president. Meanwhile, while the rest of the country is being battered with horrible weather, Oregon is all sunshine and overgrown grass. Gotta love that El Nino. As soon as we finish this we're going out to scrape the mold off the moss on the deck. Ugly job, but it's got to be done. We digress ...)
- Are all politicians freaks? You know what I mean, circus-type weird oddities? Mark Morford thinks so. They are freaks not merely because they must be so in order to be drawn to such a heartless, ruthless, bizarre, meat-sucking, powermad soul-death of a slime-laden profession in the first place, but because -- no, wait, that's about it. That's the reason. He's got a point.
- And yet another embarrassing CPAC convention goes down. Good Lord, do these people have any shame? (Answer: No.) A good friend of mine asked me the other day what it was about Sarah Palin that irritated me so much. It was a good question, because it made me think instead of just respond. First of all I said it was because she represented what was ugly about right-wing racist red-neck America, and in a cute little cheer-leader way. (How's that hopey-changey thing workin' out for yah?) But after thinking about it for a bit, I dislike Sarah Palin for the same basic reason I dislike George W. Bush. She, like he, brings down the collective human intelligence factor. If dumbshits like the both of them can be in positions of power and influence in this, our United States of America, then we are all dumber shits because of them. Gawd save our country from people such as these.
- Let's go back for a moment to 1981. President Ronald Reagan was shot hours ago and was hanging precariously to life. Vice-President George H.W. Bush was out of the country on a field trip or something, but hey! not to worry, Alexander Haig was polishing the oval office desk. His infamous quote: "As of now, I am in control here in the White House, pending the return of the vice president," Haig said. The country cringed and lit another doobie. Gawd I miss those days.
- Brace yourself for this one. This is a very disturbing article, and it starts like this: A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that - under orders from the chief of the Gestapo - he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. Nazi general Franz Halder also testified at the Nuremberg trials that Nazi leader Hermann Goering admitted to setting fire to the German parliament building, and then falsely blaming the communists for the arson. And ends with this: Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. Click Here.
- Okay, so when your normally compliant serfs in Utah, of all places, turn on you, you know something's wrong in the Republican Party. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Utah and all my relatives who live there, but Holy Smith, attacking Orrin Hatch?
- Don't know who Frank Luntz is? He's one of those right-wing "Republican Message Gurus" who common-sense challenged politicians rely upon to supply them with "talking points." One of his latest statements is "Ordinarily, calling for a new government program 'to protect consumers' would be extraordinary popular. But these are not ordinary times. The American people are not just saying 'no.' They are saying 'hell no' to more government agencies, more bureaucrats, and more legislation crafted by special interests." I love it when idiots speak for "The American People."
- A new survey of 2,000 self-identified Republicans found that significant numbers believe President Obama was not born in the United States, is a socialist, is a racist and should be impeached and that their home state should secede from the union. We're hoping for a Cheney-Palin ticket in 2012. It just keeps getting better and better.
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