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Weekend Update - EoB Edition
- Well, sure it's been a while. It's actually gone beyond "taking a break," it's more of a waiting to see what's going to happen now. Mark Morford even has been experiencing it. It's the slowdown. The EoB. The End of Bush.
- The "ImpeachBush" dot orgs have taken a new tack. Now they want indictment, and gawdhelpme I think they're on to something. While I think in a court of law, Dubya would be given time off for sheer stupidity, there's always Rummy and Darth Cheney. Those last two even make George H.W. cry. 'Course everything makes George H.W. cry lately, and we don't blame him one bit. Sign the petition here if you're interested.
- We're about half way through reading Howard Zinn's "People's History of the United States." Hell of a book. While we don't normally make announcements like this, our friends in the San Francisco area can catch Howard at the Mission High School Auditorium, 3750 18th Street, on Thursday, February 26, at 7 PM. Uncle Bob and I caught Howard years ago at the McDonald Theater, and it was a glorious evening. Highly recommended.
- 71% of Americans are in favor of an investigation into the possible misuse of the Department of Justice by the Bush administration according to a Gallup poll released yesterday. And, "Just yesterday the ACLU got it's hands on a truly smoking gun memo written for then Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. This document informed Rumsfeld that those he'd tasked with beating information out of suspected terrorists had not just tortured them, but tortured some of them, to death. In other words, they murdered them." I say again for the 85th time, the Obama administration MUST pursue indictments against these people. Are we not a country ruled by law?
- Blackwater, the company hired by the U.S. government to do the "dirty work" in Iraq, has decided to change their name to "Xe." Does all this remind of you of a Monty Python skit?
- Blogs, gotta love 'em. Here's one I love because of this title: Right Wing Crap Flows Through Media Goose. Pure poetry.
- If you were to subpoena Karl Rove, this is what it would look like.
- And please indulge me for this last one. My son watched the Olympics and fell in love with Michael Phelps. When Phelps was recently busted via cell phone video smoking from a bong the world was all aghast. So was I, but only because I thought it was really stupid of him to smoke dope at a party where there were people with cell phones. But on retrospect, I'm wondering what's wrong with America? Why are we so quick to "be disappointed?" When is this country going to realize that marijuana is less harmful than aspirin? This whole country needs a big slap in the face.
- In the spirit of Charles Darwin's Birthday, Jeffrey Frederick is an idiot.
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