Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome Back Update - January 28th

(We all took a breather, but now we're ready for action once again. Let's check out what's been happening since we've been gone.)

  • Of all people to miss this event, Mark Morford didn't watch the inauguration of Barak Obama.

  • They may have held hands with him, but there are signs that the Saudis didn't care much for the SOB either.

  • OhMyGawd. President Obama said that Republicans need to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh. Is nothing sacred anymore? We agree, although we'd probably say that EVERYONE needs to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh. And here's Joe Conason on El Rushbo.

  • The inauguration of Barack Obama, "whose father less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant," is both a culmination and a beginning. That's from an excellent article by Jonathan Schell in The Nation magazine, entitled "Obama and the Return of the Real."

  • The Bush administration’s "war on terror"—including its controversial policies on detentions, interrogations and warrantless wiretapping—was all underpinned by legal memoranda. While some of those memos have been released, the former administration chose to keep many others secret, citing security and confidentiality concerns. Check out this really cool list of those secret memos. This is going to get exciting before it's over.

  • Blago hits the talk show circuit. Here's a report from John Kass in the Chicago Tribune about the man he calls "Gov. Nosfratu, the walking politically undead."

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