Okay, so Bush was able to listen in to "everything he says" with the he being our close ally Nouri al Maliki. Does anyone want to make a bet as to whether Bush is also tapping and bugging John McCain and Barack Obama? I mean, why not? the Bush administration seems to love to break laws and violate civil rights and every crime is justified as being a National Security issues, we can't discuss it and of course it is legal, as long as the President okays it.
There is going to be a lot of truth and reconciliation needed after the Bush administration leaves. Does anyone believe that John McCain would really do that? John McCain who has frozen service records of all POWs (perhaps to shield his own?) and whose Indian Affairs Committee has sealed extensive records related to things Jack Abramoff did. Like bribing lots of Republicans.
John McCain can beat his chest, rend his clothing and pour ashes on his head in contrition over how terrible it was that Republicans came to Washington and were corrupted after they arrived, by that terrible, sinful, naughty place. He can swear, as Bush did, that he will bring "honor back to the White House". But the Republicans set new records for sleaze, while John McCain happily worked side-by-side with the sleaze merchants and recipients, without raising much of a fuss that I can recall. The idea that McCain, now, is really going to do anything other than be the double-talking showboater he has always been, an opportunist, overly impulsive, given to rash promises and bold statements, in short a prankster and an insubstantial windbag. At a time when our country needs a far, far steadier hand at the helm. Too harsh?
There is going to be a lot of truth and reconciliation needed after the Bush administration leaves. Does anyone believe that John McCain would really do that? John McCain who has frozen service records of all POWs (perhaps to shield his own?) and whose Indian Affairs Committee has sealed extensive records related to things Jack Abramoff did. Like bribing lots of Republicans.
John McCain can beat his chest, rend his clothing and pour ashes on his head in contrition over how terrible it was that Republicans came to Washington and were corrupted after they arrived, by that terrible, sinful, naughty place. He can swear, as Bush did, that he will bring "honor back to the White House". But the Republicans set new records for sleaze, while John McCain happily worked side-by-side with the sleaze merchants and recipients, without raising much of a fuss that I can recall. The idea that McCain, now, is really going to do anything other than be the double-talking showboater he has always been, an opportunist, overly impulsive, given to rash promises and bold statements, in short a prankster and an insubstantial windbag. At a time when our country needs a far, far steadier hand at the helm. Too harsh?
The Republican National Committee has threatened to sue The National Inquirer if they proceed to publish their upcoming "Sarah Palin" issue. On your local news stand soon! That is what is left of the once mighty Republican Party. Rolling around in the dust, desperate to stop The National Enquirer from publishing a well-researched article suggesting Palin is a bit like John Edwards, a bit like Dick Cheney and a bit like President Bush. The more questionable bits, as it happens. Hey, nice (impulsive) pick Senator McCain!
1 comment:
"But the Republicans set new records for sleaze..."
Apparantly sir, you don't read the local "Weekend Update" comic strip.
One example of many, in today's Sarah(Tee Hee)edition.
Notice the subtle reference to Steve Warshak of the infamous Nutraceuticals male enhancement firm (No pun intended)and his 25 year prison sentence inspite of the fact of the reluctance of customers to come forward thereby admitting their you-know-what problem. So "Smiling Ed" (for editor)brings out "Smiling Bob" to insinuate that the Grand Oil Party has a stiffy problem, a corruption problem and is collectively and patently plagued with a paltry penis perception that can only be enhanced by 'Sarahcuda'. The underlying theme is obvious. That being, John McCain will be no Harrison Ford on "Air Force One", with a woman vice-president, I might add.
That inference begs the question, Is Barak Obama a Denzel Washington? I rest my case.
So ends this little soliloquy exposing this absurd Ad hominem attack on Sarah Palin, where the premises are as questionable as the conclusions and the arguments, being demonstrably flawed in it's logic or form, renders the argument invalid in whole, as is generally the case with Mauvais Chapeau.
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