Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Update

  • With all the debate about what the Iraqi PM said or didn't say, let's read the actual transcript from Der Spiegel and find out.

  • Perhaps there's some dark, secret genius behind President Bush's otherwise absolutely imbecilic and dangerous corporate-whore move to lift the federal ban on offshore drilling, a ban placed there by his own father. Then again, Mark Morford thinks not. And just because I'm a bit late with this update, here's another Morford I just can't resist: "The Remote Control Penis."

  • John McCain has called the Social Security System "a disgrace." Yet he doesn't turn down his $1930 monthly check. What possible reason could he and his $100 Million wife need that money for? Parking fines?

  • Frank Rich rips McCain for his response to our growing economic crisis with "It's the Economic Stupidity, Stupid."

  • Every American city should follow San Francisco's lead and name a sewage treatment plant after George W. Bush. Only fitting, don't you think?

  • The Top Ten Conservative Idiots, No. 345.

  • p.m. carpenter comments on The New York Post: Prozac for the Left.

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