Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Holiday Notes From Arthur

Diaried elsewhere, but worth emphasizing: the GOP is lining up for a circular firing squad this election cycle.

I am fascinated by one item in the Noonan editorial, where she talks about the GOP including one "error" in each major ad in order to get the nattering nabobs talking about it and reshowing it endlessly. I can think of some good examples of that trick working just fine, where a single ad buy got endless replay over all the networks, with all the newscasters tut-tutting about how awful and unfair it was, so sad, so bad... and in the process helping its message sink into everyone's consciousness. That worked great for the Swiftboaters, didn't it?

I'm feeling pretty seasonal, with both boys home for Christmas, full of high energy and gnarly youthful folly. The oldest is majoring in Feminist Studies, under the tutelage of a staff member labeled "one of the hundred most dangerous academics in America". The youngest is going to school with Ron Paul's grand daughter. Education is so broadening, isn't it? A friend has wanted to take the boys on a junket for many years, it is finally happening after Christmas, with she, they and my wife going to Istanbul for nine days. Unless a war starts over there. I think it will be great for the boys to get a glimpse at a Moslem country, up close and personal instead of through the addle-pated musings of the American press. Istanbul is supposed to have a massive disco scene and be the haven for hordes of Scandinavians over the winter break. The hot word among the youth set is that DANISH women are the most universally hot of all the European babes, so there is enormous anticipation building.

It is heartwarming to see that the old Christmas traditions, like youthful lust, are still being upheld.

Economists can tell you the wonders of how Wal-Mart has lowered prices for the average American. Um, okay, but what if it also has lowered their income in proportion to those theoretical savings?
While it is nice, if you have a nice tenured position, to speak of the wonders of global free trade, ask yourself if this article is describing a level playing field. Not to step on the Holiday Cheer, but I find it worrisome that the formula for success is to hook up with a Chinese sweatshop, have them make something for the US market, get rich, become a Republican. Kind of a death spiral, in my opinion.

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