Saturday, November 3, 2007

Weekend Update - November 3rd

  • Poor Hillary. Try as she might, that Clinton smoothtalk stuff sometimes gets her into a bit of trouble. They call it the "Politics of Parsing."
  • p m carpenter blasts "Our Co-reigning Antichrists: Shumer and Feinstein."
  • Has John Edwards moment arrived? In his own words.
  • Heartbreaking: A Soldier's Story - Nowhere To Go.
  • Consider poor Rummy. Can't even vacation in France without having to flee or face charges as a war criminal. Is this an image of things to come for all of them?
  • Interesting rant: "George W. Bush and Dick Cheney shouldn't be treated like criminals who deserve punishment. They should be treated like psychotics who need treatment."
  • Some fundamentalist evangelicals have moved from forecasting Armageddon to actually trying to bring it about.
  • Obama opens Saturday Night Live. Hilarious.
  • Here's an article in the World Nut Daily saying that we should replace those rebellious State Department people who refuse to serve in Iraq with wounded discharged soldiers. What?
  • Just another reason why Dennis Kucinich has my vote.

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