Okay, so I just got back from my sister's place in Lowell, Oregon, and we had a wonderful time eating more than we really should, and it was great to see all the pseudo relatives and friends who hadn't been seen or even remotely thought of since last Thanksgiving, but it was really great to see my sister. Nancy's in her early 70's (how can that be possible?) and has endured two episodes of cancer and a recently detached retina, but actually in all honesty looks fantastic. I love her dearly, but you can't hug your sister too much, so we just traded our usual familial barbs and it was a great time had by all.
I hope you all had a great day. And here's my main question. What the hell do we have to be thankful for? I'm talking on a universal level here, not personal. Anyone out there better off than they were last Thanksgiving? Let's make a list. Number One: I didn't die this year. Number Two: ( )
We've endured seven years of the Bush administration and watched this country go into the proverbial shitter little by little and the only light at the end of the tunnel seems to be our faith that there actually will be an end to this tunnel with all the goddamned hope in the world that it's not the light of an oncoming train. All politics aside here, dear friends, is there any hope for us? I am a Democrat because I believe in the idea that government should take care of the disadvantaged citizens of our country. I believe that the taxes I pay should go to the health and welfare of all American citizens. Social programs. Fix the roads. Repair the bridges. Heal the sick. Cure diseases. Teach the children. Improve the schools. I can't break out of this silly idea that if it's truly MY money they're spending, it should go to a good cause.
I'm not a "Republican Hater." The real Republican party I grew up with in the 50's was a fiscally responsible group of sincerely sincere politicians who truly had the American people's welfare in mind. My whole family were registered Republicans and by gawd when we had Thanksgiving we said "grace" before we ate and thanked the Lord for every wonderful thing we partook of, because it was all so righteous. And to this day, I love Republicans. Because I've figured it out. Republicans are just misguided Democrats. Our friend Michael Moore refers to them as "RINOs." Republicans In Name Only. No matter how much you argue with a RINO, the mantra will always be "because Democrats will raise my taxes."
The cost of the war in Iraq (alone) is approaching $500,000,000,000. (I think I typed that right. It's supposed to represent HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS.) But thank George that he's vetoed bills to increase health coverage to several thousand more poor children. What a waste that would be. Fiscally responsible? The Conservative mind isn't really about money. Nope. They can spend a trillion dollars faster than fat can travel through a goose. The important thing to Conservatives is keeping America free of the evils of "socialized medicine."
At any rate, we have one more year of the Bush Administration to look forward to, and instead of being thankful this season, I find myself wishing it would all end as soon as possible. But you know the old saying - you can wish in one hand and grab a turkey leg in the other...oh never mind.