- So, getting stoned seems to be a perfect antidote to American politics at this stage of the game. We have this Trump fellow who is trying mightily to outmaneuver this Cruz fellow on the Republican side (I know I didn't mention Kasich, calm down), and and Bill Clinton's wife Hillary is constantly debating Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side. But the really fun part of this dog-and-pony show is watching the collapse of the Grand Old Party. It has begun with the 40 or so members of Congress, who call themselves "The Freedom Caucus," which is made up of T-party Republicans who demand to get their way even if it means shutting down the entire government. They're the ones responsible for ouster of Crying John Boehner, and the rise of Ted Cruz. They want, amongst other things, to dismantle government health plans, to balance the national budget with huge spending cuts, and, of course, completely defund Planned Parenthood. Oh, and did I mention they want to overturn every Obama executive order of the last 7 1/2 years? They love Cruz because he's the poster-boy of the T-baggers whom the good old boys despise, and they're doubtful of Trump because of his past leanings and utterances concerning abortion, and the second amendment, among other things. These idiots are the malignant mass of the body republican, and when the GOP finally self terminates, and it will soon, they will splinter off and form their own party. Only remains to be seen what they will call themselves. Fascists? God's Chosen? God help us all.
- McDonald's in Japan has begun serving a new hamburger named "Giga Big Mac," which consists of the usual condiments and FOUR beef patties. They are quoted as saying the massive treat is "meant to be shared." (Isn't that sweet?)
- Some of us are old enough to remember the release of the so-called "Pentagon Papers," which exposed truths concerning the Vietnam War and contributed to an abrupt end to the Nixon administration. But now we have "the Panama Papers," which threaten to expose how heads of state, oligarchs, and other celebrities launder money, escape sanctions, and worse of all, avoid paying taxes. This was not done by WikiLeaks or Edward Snowden or any of the usual suspects, but by a German newspaper. Who does this report implicate? Among others the list includes President Assad of Syria, Prime Minister David Cameron's late father, and Icelandic Prime Minister Sig Gunnlaugsson. This just reinforces our long-time belief that rich and powerful people have found ways to rip all the rest of us off by manipulating the system in their favor. (Lemme hear ya say "Go Bernie!) Reports say that between 2004 and 2013 developing and emerging economies lost almost $8 Trillion to these bastards. Not shocked and surprised? Me neither.
- Saw our girl Sarah Palin the other day on the teevee. She was in fine form as usual, unzipping the fly of her mouth and exposing her uglies in front of an audience in Wisconsin on the night before the primaries. It was at the local American Serb Hall, and the gibberish coming out of her mouth hole was so incomprehensible that people were giggling and talking to each other. Noticing the response, Palin suddenly said "It's not something to laugh at, friends." Sarah used to be the Donald Trump of the Republican Party. Now she's just pathetic.
- White Supremacists for Trump! Former KKK leader David Duke has endorsed Donald Trump, saying "voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage." "Your," one would assume, would be white christian people. Duke said this in spite of Trump's apparent support for the State of Israel, which David Duke has a tremendous snit for. (Among other things) Bad Hat salutes David Duke for being a genuinely consistent asshole for most of his adult life.
- Oregon, and the Willamette Valley in particular, have enjoyed beautiful spring weather the past few days, and we've all been digging in the dirt and falling asleep with a brandy in our hands, in lawn chairs, in the late afternoon, listening to Pink Floyd, and letting Dave Gilmour's talented fingers take us to the next dimension. Oh, that reminds me, I've got to go water Calliope. Party on People!
Love, JP