- With great joy we learned recently that Donald "The Donald" Trump is consider
ing running for President in 2012. The Donald joins with other wonderful candidates from the dark side of reality such as Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachman, and Charlie Sheen. No wait, Charlie's not running. Yet. And what's more, The Donald has been hired by everyone's favorite "news" organization, Fox. Yep, every Monday morning viewers of Fox "News" can hear just what it is that's on The Donald's mind. "Bold, brash and never bashful, the Donald now makes his voice loud and clear every Monday on Fox," an announcer says in the promo. The promo then cuts to a clip of Trump saying, "my message is a better message than anybody else's." Neener neener neener. Oh, and it should be mentioned that The Donald has become a "birther." I personally think Barak Obama would be just fine if he didn't campaign at all.
- Extremely radioactive water is leaking directly into the sea after the horrifying earthquake in Japan. Every news release from that region is worse and more frightening than the one before. If you're not depressed enough today, read about it by clicking here.
- Remember that moment last year when Vice Prez Joe Biden blurted out, right on the TV, that the passage of Obama's health care plan was a "big f**king deal?" Oh boy, all the conservative ladies in their silly hats went crazy. 'Course they don't remember or don't want to remember their own Vice Prez's remark to a Senator on the floor of the Senate several years ago. I believe it was something like "go f**k yourself." Yes, it's the so called "F-Bomb," and it gets some people all sweaty and breathing hard. On Wednesday, Penny Nance, the CEO of Concerned Women for America, blasted the Obama administration for not doing more to protect America's children from dirty words. Oh yes, it's all Obama's fault. Check out this delightful article from Mother Jones that actually includes a link to George Carlin's rant on "Dirty Words." Definitely worth a rainy afternoon's reading.
- Mike Huckabee
: "All Americans Should Be Forced at Gunpoint to Listen to David Barton." Interesting statement from several angles. And Mike did actually say it. David Barton is that odd religious conservative "historian" who is rewriting history as he goes. If you're not familiar with him, try this: Click Here. Scary dude, this one. He, as well as many Conservative politicians, think the United States should be governed by Christian law. And he's not above re-writing history to prove his point. Force me to listen to David Barton at gunpoint? Just shoot me.
In Memorium
1 year ago
1 comment:
I've gone beyond being depressed. Only 25 years ago, Japan Inc was the lion of the world, everyone wanted to raise their kids like Japanese kids, and now there might be large zones in the North of Honshu where no one will live for hundreds of years.
I really think sci-fi is overtaking us.
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