It's been a marvelous sunny day, even went out and exposed my aging body to the sun for about an hour. The boy, freshly turned 12 joined me. He's suddenly gotten into word puzzles, the kind you can buy at Bi-Mart with crosswords, sudoku, and word find. Jonathan is really good at the latter one, finding words. I know you're wondering where I'm going with this, but I'm not really going anywhere, it's just that my son is really cool, and the weather today was really fine. We saw a ring around the sun about two hours ago, and I announced "it's going to rain." Now it's all moving in, and yes, it's going to rain. They think I'm a god. and perhaps, I may be. I am four days away from my very first social security check. At this moment, all's right with the world. But I digress ...
- We're giving Terry Jones the Bad Hat Idiot of the Week Award because with
out people like him religion wouldn't look quite so stupid. Terry is, of course you remember, the pastor of some southern church who announced he was going to burn the Koran, in public, and didn't care what happened if he did it. He, and all those who may follow him, is a religious moron. This time, Terry just about shot himself in the foot. Literally. Gotta love it.
- I really enjoy Bill Maher. Bill Maher wants you to know that he's no flag-burner. "I love America!" he gushes, sitting down for a two-hour interview with Rolling Stone. "It gives me so much material." Check out the Rolling Stone interview HERE.
- Have you gotten the E-mail yet that screams "Facts About The De-industrialization Of America That Will Blow Your Mind?" A quick Google side trip revealed the message's origins: a frighteningly Christian lad named Michael Snyder, shameless slinger of endless "shocking" doomsday scenarios via a site called "The Economic Collapse Blog," packed like a Jesus-clad fallout bunker with screeching headlines like "20 signs a horrific global food crisis is coming," "65 ways everything you now own is systematically being taken away from you" and "Armageddon for homeowners." So, you know, fun times at Michael's house. Mark Morford helps us out.
- Is that you John Wayne? Is this me? William Rivers Pitt writes about the The Mad Genius of Donald Trump.
- Military base
s R U.S. Or so it seems. After the invasion of 2003, the Pentagon promptly started constructing a series of monster bases in occupied Iraq, the size of small American towns and with most of the amenities of home. These were for a projected garrison of 30,000 to 40,000 U.S. troops that top officials of the Bush administration initially anticipated would be free to hang out in that country for an armed eternity. In the end, hundreds of bases were built. (And now, hundreds have been closed down or handed over to the Iraqis and in some cases looted). With present U.S. troop strength at about 47,000 (not counting mercenaries) and falling, American officials are now practically pleading with an Iraqi government moving ever closer to the Iranians to let some American forces remain at a few giant bases beyond the official end-of-2011 withdrawal date. Noam Chomsky reports.