(Arthur and I are fresh off attending last night's gala Hilton Hotel party honoring the 45th anniversary of graduating from our high school. Over a hundred old geezers were in attendance and a grand time was had by all. I passed out Bad Hat cards to several of the true believers in the room, and would like to welcome those of you who have taken the bait. And, by the way, Arthur has promised us a new column within the week. We shall hold him to it, assuming, of course, he can find his way back to the safety of Marin County.)
- We've always liked Jonathan Alter, but when he wrote recently "Go ahead, shoot me. I like the status quo on health care in the United States. I've got health insurance and I don't give a damn about the 47 million suckers who don't. Obama and Congress must be stopped. No bill! I'm better off the way things are," we ran off to load our gun. But then we realized he had tongue firmly planted in cheek.
- Our man SENATOR Al Franken is quickly growing a pair. Last week he berated that old gas-bag T. Boone Pickens for his role in the swift-boating of John Kerry. We think Franken's term is going to be a fun one to watch.
- According to her MySpace page, she's a big Glen Beck fan. "a Long Island mother of three -- armed to the teeth with an assault rifle and shotgun -- was arrested for scouting out and taking pictures of an Air National Guard base." The weird story of Nancy Genovese.
- President Obama calls it "a teachable moment." The NYT's Bob Herbert isn't too sure. He calls it being arrested for "Angry While Black."
- Hard-core Right-wingers are a sorry lot of late. Here's an eye opening little story that illustrates just how desperate these mental midgets have become. Brace yourself.
- Sweet Jesus I hate Bill O'Reilly. But it appears he's won a round in the feud between him and Keith Olbermann. Damn.
- And here's another Conservative Douche-Nozzle talk show host: Thankfully relegated to the low-ratings, low-significance Sirius Satellite Radio, he is nonetheless, with the exception of the moronic blabbermouth Mike Church, the most narrow-minded, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist buffoon on the airwaves. Who is he? Andrew Wilkow.
- Burning question: Is President Barak Obama an actual citizen of these United States? Lou Dobbs and the dumbing down of America.
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