(Former Alaskan governor and Senator John McCain running mate in 2008 Sarah Palin, and her family, were recently in the middle of what some people describe as
"a brawl." "Police responded to reports of a verbal and physical altercation taking place between multiple subjects. A preliminary investigation by police revealed that a party had been taking place at a nearby residence and a fight had broken out between multiple subjects outside of the residence." Eric Thompson told ABC News, "I heard Sarah Palin yell,
'Do you know who I am?'" And in other news, driver Matthew Apperson, 35, of Orlando, Florida, reported to police Friday that George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin,
threatened to kill him at a traffic light, asking
"do you know who I am?" during a road confrontation in their vehicles. All we can respond to Sarah and George is this:
Ohgawd yes, we know who you are, please don't shoot! But we digress ... )
- We should probably all know who former Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce is, he's the guy who came up with a solution to Medicaid, as though there was a problem with Medicaid:
"You put me in charge of Medicaid, the first thing I'd do is get Norplant, birth-control implants, or tubal ligations," he said. "Then we'll test recipients for drugs and alcohol, and if you want to [reproduce] or use drugs or alcohol, then get a job." Pearce also said he attended graduate school at the University of Arizona and Harvard University, of course both claims later turned out to be untrue.
- And here's a guy who I really want to know. The American Family Association's (remember them?) Bryan Fischer has called for atheists to be banned from serving in the armed forces of the United States. In other words, if you don't believe in god almighty you can't be drafted (assuming we'll get back there sooner-or-later). To paraphrase, if the kid don't believe in Santa Clause anymore, he don't have to go and fight the Oil Wars. I'm all for it. Fischer says that atheists should be prohibited from serving in all branches of the military because "there is no place for those who do not believe in the Creator who is the source of every single one of our fundamental human and civil rights ." And if I may speak for us atheists, I must say I wholeheartedly agree.
- Here's a two-minute TED talk by David Swanson called "Why End War." I guarantee it's worth two minutes of your time. Click HERE.
- And remember, guns don't kill people, nine-year-old girls with Uzis kill people. And don't forget Idaho State University Professors. While Professor (so far unnamed) didn't managed to actually kill anyone, he did manage to shoot himself in the foot, an act for which has earned him the Bad Hat Concealed Weapon Idiot of the Month Award. Lock and Load, everyone!