- Actually, at my age things like having a cat missing is rather comforting in a randomly usual way. Life in the neighborhood situation is predictable - the garbage is picked up on Thursdays, the mailman gets here around 11AM, the doorbell makes the dog bark, etc. What makes life fun and exciting are things like Michele Bachmann suddenly becoming a Swiss citizen. Didn't see THAT one coming, did ya?
- There's a hilarious website called "Live Funny or Die" that posts outrageous videos to lampoon life's little silly things. In this one, Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer and Andrea Savage "spread" the message that the one thing women really want in their vagina is the government. Ohgawd, this is good.
- Say what you will about President Obama (and we know that you will), he eventually gets around to trying to say the right thing. It started with our favorite Vice-President, Joe "Shecky" Biden who actually stood up for his convictions and stated his support for equal rights for gay marriage. And this statement apparently nudged the President into saying the same thing. Or did it? Common Dreams posts a report by Robert Scheer, There is enormous condescension in Obama’s assertion that “I’ve always been adamant that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly and equally.”
- Jonah Goldburg is the founding editor of the National Review Online, about as ultra conservative as one can get without being institutionalized in a mental facility. Apparently Jonah has learned how to pad a resume' from Bill O'Reilly, who once famously listed his two non-existant "Peabody Awards" on a book blurb. Goldburg says he's been "nominated twice for a Pulitzer Award." Yeah, and so have I. MSNBC investigative reporter Bill Dedman reports.
- And finally, let's check in with the Romney campaign. As we left the Mittstir he was stating quite concisely in a New York Times editorial that we should let "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt." Okay. Well, fortunately, President Obama didn't do that, he bailed them out, and now the auto industry is fired up and working well. But guess who's taking credit for the whole thing? Yeah, guess.
In Memorium
1 year ago
1 comment:
Mr. Goldberg actually has a faulty memory, for he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, not the Pulitzer.
It is rumored that the Nobel Committee may give him some sort of lifetime achievement award one of these years.
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