The Boy convinced me that we just HAD to go see The Avengers movie Saturday, and try as I may, I couldn't come up with a good excuse not to. The price is actually pretty good, relatively speaking, because he's still a kid and I'm a Senior Citizen. Discount, baby. All tolled we paid more for popcorn and a cola than we did for the tickets. But let's not get started complaining about the insane price of a small popcorn and a small soda. Because if we get started doing that I'll have to get angry, and I don't feel like getting angry today.

I don't go to a lot of movies, maybe two or three a year. The Boy goes with his friends or other relatives sometimes which takes the heat off me for the most part. I like movies, don't get me wrong, it's just I'd rather watch them from the comfort of my old recliner, where I can control the sound level. When I was a kid we went to the old McDonald Theater in downtown Eugene, and watched movies like The Day the Earth Stood Still, and
Invaders From Mars (which scared the pee out of me). A large tub of popcorn, which could feed an entire row of rowdy kids on Williams Bread Saturday (free admission with one Williams Bread bag), cost the astronomical sum of one dollar. And when the movie was playing on the screen, everyone had to be quiet so you could hear the soundtrack. But these days, they have stereo surround encompass enclose-and-destroy THX melt-yer-frontal-lobe sound SO LOUD, that if you were to scream "fire!" in a crowded theater no one would hear it. Not even the guy next to you.
Now the kids love that sort of thing. They're in the generation who plays music in their cars so loud it'll crack window glass a block away. They're the generation who plants those ear buds deep into their ear canal and turns the Ipod up to 10. (By the way, that's very hard on your eardrums and quite dangerous, actually) But as I mentioned before, I'm a Senior Citizen, and sitting in a movie theater with the sound turned up to thermonuclear is somewhat of an ordeal. You don't just hear it, you feel it. Your prostate vibrates and your liver quivers, and if your not wearing your hat, I swear your hair falls out. But the grin on the Boy's face during the intense scenes is worth it all, I suppose. He loved the movie.
My review of it? I give it three stars. Lots of action, great special effects, and no cursing. Someone estimated the amount of
damage caused by the bad and good guys to New York City, had it actually happened, would cost $160 billion to repair. Great movie for kids with hearing problems. My favorite Avenger? Tony Stark (Iron Man). Played by Robert Downey Jr. The guy's a bit of a Bad Hat.
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