Saturday, March 29, 2008

Weekend Update - March 29th

  • ARE YOU BORED? Oh, well, yes, of course. Mark Morford gives us an incentive to keep on caring with his offer of a free iPhone with every outrage!

  • I respect Hillary Clinton, I really do. But we'd never last as a couple. See, I like selected shorts, and she likes long movies.

  • Jonathan Alter of Newsweek is now saying the same thing as Bad Hat. Hillary Clinton for Governor of New York. Remember, you heard it here first!

  • Ohgawd. This is so cool. Oliver Stone is casting a movie about Dubya. Seriously. Buy some popcorn.

  • Happy Birthday to JP. Sixty-three and gaining on the bastards.

  • Here's a web site, Iraq Today, that tracks what's happening in Iraq on a daily basis. If you're feeling a bit too perky today, this should calm you down.

  • We don't mean to jump on Hillary, but maybe she deserves it. p.m. carpenter discusses "Hillary Clinton's Big Lie."

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