Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Counting On The Young

Every parent will agree that counting on the young to do something can be a mistake. But this year may surprise us. I hope so, since that is the hope that our country will continue to survive. I am rather fond of it, so I hope that it will. We should know by Wednesday how many younger voters came out in the TX, OH, RI and VT primaries. That should tell us something important about how motivated younger voters really are this year. The weather in Texas is supposed to be okay, Ohio is supposed to have really nasty weather. Rhode Island an Vermont are normally crappy at this time of year. I would expect a strong younger voter turnout in those three states. If we see a similarly high turnout in all four states, then it is a believable trend.

Referring to an earlier story, I mistakenly believed that the students who marched seven miles along a highway to vote were from Texas A&M. They were from a smaller traditionally black A&M college in Texas which has had decades of problems in being able to register, vote, or to have their votes count. It seems that all sorts of accidents keep happening in that rural Republican district, the latest being the only polling place being located 7.3 miles from the campus. With all the publicity I think it will be hard to suppress that vote, but it is important to remember that with all the progress that has been made, pockets of racism remain very much alive in this country. I am amused by reports that some Republicans in Texas claim to be voting for Obama as a "spoiler vote" intended to knock out Clinton and set up an unelectable candidate for the General Election. It certainly would be ironic if their support helped him clinch the nomination and win the election, wouldn't it? I can't think of a nicer group of folks to have that delightful surprise. My, how they will laugh and laugh and laugh if that happens! Tears may even be rolling down their cheeks, they will be laughing so heartily...

(More on the Texas youth vote here.)


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