- First of all, here's that New York Times editorial "Looking at America," published on New Year's Eve. It pretty much says it all, doesn't it?
- Here's the Huckster saying he won't run negative ads against Romney, for example this one. What a putz.
- Here's p.m. carpenter's take on Huckabee's press conference.
- It seems that John McCain has been taking more than his share of lobbyist money. He pleaded with the NYT not to publish the article. Turns out it was the Washington Post who had the story.
- More about the "Christian Warrior" campaign in the U.S. Army.
- Whoa. Apparently Robert Novak ran out of whatever he takes to make himself so delusional, and wrote something intelligent. Go figure.
- 77 year old Sara Jane Moore, the woman who attempted to shoot President Gerald Ford, was released from prison yesterday. You say you don't care? Oh, come on.
- Did any of you have to endure flying on an airplane this holiday season? Six years after the terrorist attacks of 2001, airport security remains a theater of the absurd. The Airport Security Follies.
- Corn-pone aw shucks Mike Huckabee has had enough of all the nasty things Mitt Romney is saying about him, and gosh darn it, he's not going to take it any more. I was curious to see if Huckabee has registered cannottrustmccain.com or thompson.com, but apparently he hasn't had enough money to do so yet. Stay tuned, the circular firing squad is just warming up. Meanwhile the "Minutemen", America's answer to sectarian militias, has endorsed Huckabee. Great. Along with his belief that crime in inner cities would be reduced if EVERYONE carried a gun, Huck apparently now believes that the best way to secure our "broken borders" is to support armed and stupid vigilante groups. What next? How can Rush Limbaugh NOT like this guy? Isn't he crazy enough, or is he, amazingly, even too crazed for Rush? - Arthur
In Memorium
1 year ago
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