Sunday, January 13, 2008

Flexible Ethics

Okay, so here is this caucus scheme that has been in place for several months, put into place by the Nevada Democratic Party. Who the Union in question would endorse remained in doubt, it could have been Edwards (who courted it vigorously and has good Union cred) or Clinton (who has strong Union ties) but in the end it went to Obama. The week that the Union endorsed Obama a lawsuit was filed, claiming that the caucus precinct structure that had been known about for some period of time was a terrible thing, just terrible, so unfair.

Okay, politics as usual, but isn't that what we are all trying to get beyond? Aren't we trying to create an even playing field, instead of a new uneven playing field that a new team gets control of? The timing of this lawsuit, rightly or wrongly, gives the impression that the supporters of one campaign would not have objected to the caucus structure if their candidate had won the endorsement, but since another did, they are shocked, shocked, and they strenuously object to its unfairness. I am disappointed and troubled by the timing. I expect better from our candidates and their allies. Becoming our enemy in order to defeat our enemy seems problematic. I am tired of being governed by weasels, thanks anyhow.


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