(Our Official Political Curmudgeon, Arthur in Marin County, comments on the GOP frontrunners at this point, and ends with a comment on Barak Obama.)
Florida, who knew? This is as concise and intelligent a take down of Rudy Giuliani as one could hope for. He is intellectually incurious, dishonest, ambitious and appears willing to say or do anything that will get him elected. Nice.
As I look over the GOP frontrunners I see a host of negatives:
Giuliani: sleazy friends, enjoys wearing women's clothing, serial adulterer, hated by NY Firefighters, fear-mongering moron.
Romney: belongs to a religion many Americans believe is a cult, evangelicals see as a heresy, has a record of self-contradiction.
McCain: some of what we might like about him, others hate, the evangelicals loathe him, he is physically failing before our eyes.
Fred Thompson: appears detached and bored, used to be a lobbyist, Nixon on record as saying he is a dolt.
Huckaby: the GOP's Gomer Pyle, not even the evangelicals find him convincing.
(On Barak Obama:)
Obama won my heart by saying something along the lines of "I'm not running for President so I can be famous. I've been on Oprah, I am not hungry for fame".
Aside from being the oddest thing anyone has said, except a lot of things that Mike Gravel says, it really encapsulates it all, doesn't it? Once you've been on Oprah, what pinnacles are left to conquer?
Actually, aside from being a bit odd, he often makes fairly good sense.
In Memorium
1 year ago
1 comment:
Nixon on record as saying he is a dolt.
Just to set the record straight Nixon actually said the he, Thompson, "was dumb as hell, but friendly".
Nixon inquired about Thompson while he was serving as minority counsel for the Senate Watergate Committee, officially known as the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, chaired by Sen. Sam Ervin, D-N.C.
Give credit where credit where credit is due. Friendly is important.
Here's a quote from an ABC article about his time spent as minority council on the Watergate Committee:
"While some Democrats on the committee to this day profess respect and admiration for Thompson, he was seen as others as a "spy" for the Nixon White House -- an accusation buttressed, at least in part, by Thompson's own writings, which confirm that he tipped off the Nixon White House about internal happenings on the committee."
It was Thompson who asked the question about the existance of a secret taping system used by Nixon that eventually led to the resignation. It is an interesting story and I will send JP the link if you are interested in reading it.
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