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Weekend Update - November 10th

- The Bush Administration Plans to Blame You for Iraq.
- The Mental Collapse of Poor Joe Lieberman. p m carpenter
- The Viet Nam Memorial, "The Wall," turns 25. A visitor sings, "Looks like we're gonna have to build another wall..."
- Lord save us from this moron: "Some day people are going to look back at this time and day and say, 'Thank God there was a generation that did not lose faith ... because the Middle East is a place free of suiciders,'" Bush said.
- The Myth of the Ticking Time-Bomb.
- The ultra-religious nutcase Pat Robertson says Giuliani presidency appears in Book of Revelation. This is getting better all the time.
- It's official: Bush Derangement Syndrome is now a full-blown epidemic. George W. Bush apparently has reduced more of his fellow citizens to frustrated, sputtering rage than any president since opinion polling began, with the possible exception of Richard Nixon.
- Could smoking pot be good for teenagers? If you follow the White House's twisted logic, the answer could be "yes."
The Bush Administration Plans to Blame You for Iraq.
I highly recommend this article as a must read. As much as I hate to evoke such a villain as Joseph Goebbels, this is a propaganda campaign to die for, excuse the analogy "to die for". It is self fulling prophecy at it's level best. The author cites numerous examples brought forward prior to this enlightened reminder and historic examples of same from, you guessed it, rightwing fanatical Germany to prove that when we lose the war in Iraq that the powers that be will blame you and I for it's failure.
But first a definition of prophecy as understood herein: Such an inspired message or prediction transmitted orally or in writing.
Consider this from the man who coined the term, "self-fulfilling prophecy", sociologist Robert Merton:
"The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour which makes the original false conception come 'true'. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning."
I submit that a host of leftwing pundits, many cited here in this forum, are frantic with pen, videocam and microphone in hand, working desperately against the clock to convince the masses to defund, rebuke, march in the streets in protest, defame Petraeus the betrayer architect et al, ad infinitum, and in the end we lose and "they" will say we stabbed them in the back because we had no guts and "undercut them by focusing on the negative" to fulfill this prophecy.
The author, oddly enough, even brings up "The Empire Strikes Back" as an example of the "Stab in the Back" theory. Therefore I will, oddly enough, bring up the movie "Star Wars" as one of enumerate examples of this self fulfilling prophecy that make movies so entertaining. Many of these devine inspirations of prophecy also come from the Evangelicals you so despise and it doesn't work for them and I predict they won't work for you'all either.
The plot of the 2005 film Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was based around a self-fulfilling prophecy. The main character, Anakin Skywalker, has a premonitory dream about the death of his wife Padmé Amidala. He searches for a way to save her, and in desperation, allies himself with the evil Sith. However, it is Anakin’s turn to evil that ends up killing Padmé.
JP, I hope you publish this rebuttal. It's my honest assessment. If you don't, I will have to assume that one of your rules of engagement is no engagement and that this is truly one of those tedious indoctrination sites not open to discussion unless you are in lockstep.
Best to you as always,
Jon, once again thank you for demonstrating what we here at Bad Hat refer to as "Ass-Brain Thinking." It's most common in frantic conservatives, trying desperately to cling to the last vestiges of sanity, as the fear of Hillary makes them poop their pants. Sorry, but once again, you've missed the point. "Star Wars?" For gawd sake man, seek help.
Thanks for writing in, though, I enjoy the desperatation.
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