Monday, August 27, 2012

The Definition of Life

Paul Ryan appears to be saying, (see video) whatever the means of conception (sex, rape artificial insemination, etc.) does not change the "definition" of when life begins. And for him, and in respect to his beliefs, that suggests that he would view a "morning after pill" as no different from an abortion in the fifth month of pregnancy. Some of the more doctrinaire among his cohorts also believe that In Vitro Fertilization is taking a life as well, though the logic of that escapes me. Several Romney sons have apparently committed such crimes against nature, presumably with their father's counsel.

So what will it be? Ryan's more extreme position, or Mitt Romney's more flexible and changeable one? Of course Romney's position will be the operative one, but since Ryan seems to believe he would be working for a murderer, what are voters to think about what the Romney-Ryan ticket believes. This week. And if something happens to Romney? Then it would be Ryan defining when life begins. For all of us. And the prospect of two (2) Ryan Supreme Court Justice appointments? Kiss Roe v. Wade good-bye and start adding up the deaths from illicit abortions. Those are lives, too, unless I am mistaken. I guess to the Republicans they are just women, so no biggie...



Jon said...

"Then it would be Ryan defining when life begins. For all of us."

I have travelled to the mountaintop (south hills actually) and asked for the definition of life, scientifically speaking, and was told by the old man on the mountain that I must make the opening and sacrifice my material first. I will open with the DNA Gambit. Do we agree that all life forms, with the exception of some ugly viruses, contain DNA which is the material that transfers genetic characteristics in all life forms? Do we agree that a zygote is the initial cell produced by the fertilization of the female ovum by the male sperm cell and therefore contains the DNA of both parents, and this provides all the genetic information necessary to form a new individual and is a life form? The next basic stages are the formation of an embryo, fetus and so on, correct?

Therefore this is when life begins scienfifically speaking, or am I wrong here, Einstein?

Now about that $64,000 Question, that you allude to with Roe v Wade, is really not about the definition of when begins but when to terminate that life isn't it?

Well, I have read the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments and, stupid me, cannot see anything about where the fundamental right of single women and married persons to choose whether to have children or not is protected therein.


E.P. Rush said...

Thanks for your fine conservative rant, JonBoy, but once again you've taken careful aim and missed the target entirely. It matters not what you or I or Arthur believe about when life begins. It does matter what Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney believe, because god forbid they might get a chance to lead this country. Progressives are usually pro-choice people who believe a woman has a right to determine what happens to her own body. Anti-choice people are usually conservatives and back up most their arguments by quoting the bible. I really doubt if Arthur wants to get into any kind of philosophical debate with you concerning the beginnings of life. I know I don't.

Arthur said...

Thanks for telling me about your experience on a Mountaintop. To clarify this issue I can only refer you, respectfully, to Monty Python's scholarly "Every Sperm is Sacred". I think that will answer all of your questions, but I should caution you that viewed dispassionately, ALL of the sperm that you have spilled on the ground over the years has to also be seen as a sin against nature and life, making you a murder of not hundreds or thousands, but probably thousands of millions. That being the case, you might want to return to that Mountaintop and ask God for her forgiveness.

Or not, it's up to you.

E.P. Rush said...

Every Sperm Is Sacred: