Sunday, June 3, 2012

Weekend Update - Misc. Edition

  • So you think Willard Cummerbund Romney would be a good President who would represent all the people in America?  really?  Do you have your own personal car elevator?  Are you worth $250 million and still call yourself "unemployed?"  Do you randomly make $10,000 bets with people?  Do you even know what "dressage" is?  Please, do me a favor, think again. 
  • The times they are a-changin', goes the song, and being in the latter part of my sixth decade I can attest to that fact.  Tolerance is actually, finally growing in America, in spite of some still very closed minds in our society.  Mark Morford writes "It's OK to be a little amazed. The U.S. military -- after no small amount of legal coercion and serious scowling -- has now officially outpaced the church, the GOP, social conservatives, Mormons, black preachers, Mitt Romney, Fox News and your Republican grandparents in nearly all matters of gender, female empowerment and fundamental sexual freedom. Is it not a thing?"  All the Dead People Say Yes.
  • They hung George W. Bush the other day.  Well, let me rephrase that, Dubya's picture was hung in the White House, and for a while it seemed the press corps was almost nostalgic for the good old days of foul ups like Afghanistan, Iraq, Katrina, and Bin Laden.  It doesn't look too good for President Obama right now, he seems to be slipping in the public eye.  It'll cost you $10 for a magnetic 2012 campaign bumper sticker.  Maureen Dowd brings all this together with "Dreaming of a Superhero."
  • We're past Memorial Day now, and along with thousands of other people around here I paid my respects at the resting sites of several relatives and friends.  I decided to wear my Vietnam Veteran's hat, just 'cause, and as usual when I wear it in public I got several comments of "welcome back" from the usual crowd of well meaning people.  But there's always something about that phrase that's bothered me.  In this article from Truthout, a Marine veteran attempts to explain that feeling.  "Don't Thank Me for My Service."
  • Washington D.C. has a wonderful environment-saving program consisting of free bicycles planted around town for people to use when they need them, in lieu of driving or hailing a cab.  Good idea, don't you think?  Actually, according to some Conservatives, it's all a COMMUNIST PLOT!
  • One of my "never-miss" programs on the tube is "The Daily Show."  Host Jon Stewart on Wednesday was feeling down about the 2012 presidential election. It’s “going to suck,” he said in a defeated whisper. But then — out of nowhere — a gift from the comedy gods!  We're ALL thankful for Donald Trump.  Watch the video here.


Cody Davis said...

Good stuff here. :)

E.P. Rush said...

Well just what did you expect? Bad stuff? (You see, it's because of sarcastic responses like this one that I have few real friends.) Seriously Cody, thank you for the encouraging words.