Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Circular Firing Squad

I have been predicting that the endless GOP Primary would end badly. It appears
that Mitt Romney and Rick Perry hate one other far, far worse than they hate
Obama, and they may want to destroy or dominate the other much more than they
want to be President. Oh, game on, Dudes!

Their behavior during the next FIFTEEN debates should tell the tale. Can
they handle conflict and interact in an effective manner with those who have
annoying personalities? or are they prone to losing it in public? I think they
are both second-raters and that neither will have the wits and character to
figure out a way to work through these personality clashes and just focus on the
task of getting elected. If I am right, this is an election that academics will
be discussing for years to come, as a "how not to" example. I just hope the
moderators keep putting them next to one another so they can reach out and
touch, and if we are lucky, pat, punch, push and shove.

You may say, wait, weren't there only thirteen more GOP Primary
debates? Yes, you are right, until Fox News added two more! God bless Fox
News! The more we see of these Republicrat candidates, the less they inspire.
I read a long article about Michelle Bachmann's long fake acrylic fingernails,
cut in the square-tipped "French" style. Ooooo boy, snarky, snarky, snarky.
The article said that journalists have been biting their tongues, not wanting
to talk about how creepy they look, along with her long artificial lashes and…
so on.

1 comment:

Montag said...

What will be interesting is the tales they start to tell after the conventions in order to woo the moderates.
That ought to be interesting.