- Hooray hooray, the United States government isn't going to shut down for lack of funds afterall. Goshalmighty I sure am glad. And what's even better, the Repubs and Democs worked together (sorta) to keep everything going. The Repubs agreed to not make a big stink over abortion (this is a budget item?) and the Demos agreed to stop making fun of John Boehner going through male menopause. We all couldn't be happier. Especially the REAL people who are running this country, the big corporate CEO's. In the fourth quarter, profits at American businesses were up an astounding 29.2 percent, the fastest growth in more than 60 years. Collectively, American corporations logged profits at an annual rate of $1.678 trillion. So far, this recovery has not trickled down. After two relatively lean years, C.E.O.’s in finance, technology, energy and beyond are pulling down multimillion-dollar paychecks. Bizzzzzzness as usual.
- "I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism ... Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." The above is a quote from the most highly decorated Marine in American history, Uncle Bob's favorite Marine, Smedley Butler. Check out this timely and fascinating article by Kevin Zeese of Warisacrime.org, as he describes how war is so good for U.S. Big Business.
- Repubs are always going on recently about how their style of budget will help "the job creators" in our society. Who are these so-called "job creators?" Those really really really rich people who pay little or no taxes and never come down out the hills. So where are all those jobs these super rich people are supposed to be making? The Daily Kos says It's Time for Accountability for "Job Creators."
- Glenn Beck is packing up and moving on down the proverbial media road. Yes friends, we've won. Well, I say "we" metaphorically. Maybe it was just Mark Morford. After all Glenn and Mark apparently share something. To quote Mark: "I had no idea the renowned right-wing fudgeball was, like me, also a burgeoning neo-pagan tantrika with a mystical, metaorgasmic, well-caffeinated alchemist edge, studying and practicing and soaking in the universal Spanda, the eternal vibrational wisdom of the ancients."
In Memorium
1 year ago
"The above is a quote from the most highly decorated Marine in American history......."
May I ad a slight correction friend? At the time of his death, this was a true statement about General Smedley Butler. The Most decorated Marine in US history is Lt. Gen Chesty Puller who died in 1971. A very brave man himself and hero of Guadalcanal but was he too aggressive a leader when it came to casualties? I think so. The Battle of Peleliu in the Pacific war is an example. He commanded the 1st Marine Division decimated with casualties with his attack, attack, attack philosophy. Sun Tzu states in The Art of War, written around 500 BC, Never attack when the enemy occupies high ground. Col. Chesty did just that, like Hamburger Hill and Pickett's Charge and his men paid dearly for it.
Truthout.org has a lot of trouble with their facts, don't they?
Thank you Jon, I stand corrected. Perhaps a better choice of words would have been "ONE of the most ..."
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