Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend Update - Semper Fi Edition

(Dear friends, today is Uncle Bob's birthday. He is greatly missed by his family and those who knew him. Today I plan on opening that bottle of VSOP brandy and toasting the Sergeant Major. To one and all, Semper Fi. -JP)

  • Darth Cheney told "Fox News Sunday" that the DOJ interrogation misconduct investigation is "a terrible decision" and "clearly a political move." He even has the cahones to state that whether or not he speaks to the investigators will "depend on the circumstances." This man clearly is in need of some serious jail time. Here's more.

  • Senator Jim DeMint, Republican of South Carolina said “If we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him,” this being the health care overhaul. The NYT editorializes for Obama to get tough and go it alone without Republicans if he wants to get anything done. We couldn't agree more. President Obama needs to focus on why we voted for him in the first place.

  • Blackwater is being investigated by the Justice Department for possible crimes ranging from weapons smuggling to manslaughter and by the IRS for possible tax evasion. It is being sued in federal courts by scores of Iraqi civilians for alleged war crimes and extrajudicial killings. And yet, despite these black marks, the Obama administration continues to keep Blackwater on the government's payroll. What the hell's going on?

  • Is the federal government building secret camps to lock up people who criticize President Barack Obama? It's the end of August, and the Nutbags are in full bloom.

  • Good News: Presidential shoe-hurler and former Bad Hat Person of the Month, Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al Zeidi is finally being released from prison. Someone buy that man a drink, and put it on our tab.

  • And Even More Good News: Not only does smoking marijuana NOT cause cancer, new research shows here seems to be something in pot that actually undermines cancer, instead of causing it. -- and the media are doing their best to ignore it. Far out, man.

  • Idaho GOP gubernatorial candidate Rex Rammell slipped and fell face first on his foot the other day as he confirmed Idaho's home-for-assholes reputation by saying he was going to sell "Obama (hunting) tags."

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