Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Own Personal Nightmare

Others may take the high road, I will not. This may have been "our national nightmare" but for me it was my personal nightmare. I had to listen to hoards of airheads parrot BushCo talking points, acronyms, themes, memes, whines and slimes. I don't really know how offended our nation, or the world were. I do know how offended and insulted I was by the spectacle of a homicidal frat boy getting control of what he often seemed to view as the world's biggest frat house, complete with hazing. Seriously, several pundits spoke of the CIA torture protocols as "a form of hazing". All I can say is, thank God I never aspired to be a part of the Greek System.

To his credit, George W. Bush is so damn dumb that he STILL doesn't get it. He should never have left Texas, where some of the more regressive elements in society applaud stupid as a lifestyle. Other Texans somehow endure, though how they do so truly escapes me. The fun and progressive parts of Texas are very fun, and very progressive.

And the one good thing about the Bush years that I can think of is that it gave all the red-meat, red-state, brain-dead conservatives a public outlet for all their fantasies about how uber-conservative government would "release" the pent-up creativity of man in his natural, feral state. And that unfettered man, buoyed by the teachings of various pundits and frothing radio personalities, would help our nation take over the world, picking up the White Man's Burden that England was forced to drop at the end of World War Two. So these troglodytic personalities were able to strut free, unhampered by regulations and inconvenient questions... free to pontificate and have people hang on their words, free to manage projects far, far beyond their modest capabilities, believing that what they lacked in education and experience they could make up by the fervor of their ideological purity and free-market sensibilities.

And boy, were they wrong. Pretty much every conservative wet dream anyone dreamed up during the twentieth century was dragged out from under the bed and given its moment in the sun, its chance to shine. Torrential rains universally resulted. None of them worked. None? Is that too strong? Okay, I have given this one some thought and I cannot identify one. I will pledge a six-pack of beer to anyone who can name one conservative brainstorm that actually panned out, when given an unusual opportunity to be tried, without any significant resistance. Do your best, I am pulling for you, but be aware that I remain supremely confident that it is me that is going to be drinking the beer, while others drink the bitter brew of defeat.

Okay Inaugural Speech. I mean, okay, but not a barn-burner. But you know what? I do not recall JFK's as that either... until people over the following months picked out certain portions and replayed them in isolation, turning them into selected sound bites. That has already started with Obama's address. It is fascinating to see history be shaped, as it is being reshaped.

I must confess that right up until the end I thought that the Bush administration would do something really, really creepy, and would not go away. I am still not convinced that they did not leave some kind of "poison pill" behind, that is, beyond the two dud wars and the massively duff economy... something else. Like what? Like, I don't know, like they secretly sold all the gold at Fort Knox to a grocery store in the Cayman Islands in return for a three-night stay at a Holiday Inn in Sarasota, Florida. You know, a typical Bush administration choice...

I hope I am wrong, this time. On the big stuff, I was right, they were crap. Harsh? maybe, but someone had to say it. Finally.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

vaya mierda usted mismo