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Weekend Update - October 12th

- "The bar has been raised. Or rather, the bar has been lifted out of the cave where it was dumped eight years ago; it's been polished up, reinstalled." Or so says Mark Morford.
- Well, after the latest debates we knew Obama was doing pretty well, but Steven McClatchy dares to use the "L" word in describing Obama's campaign.
- You KNOW things are going bad when the ultimate "Hockey Mom" gets soundly booed at a hockey game.
- If you've been reading the papers, watching the news (even on FOX), reading the blogs - you know, keeping yourself up on this campaign - and you still believe McCain-Palin is the best choice for this country, then you've got nothing left but hate and bigotry, and I've got nothing more to tell you.
- There's enough blame to go around twice, but President Jimmy Carter lays the current market crisis directly at the feet of George W. Bush.
- BBC-TV is preparing to air a documentary on the 2008 election, and how the "fix" is already in. Are they going to steal it again? Greg Palast reports.
- "The Terrorist Barak Hussein Obama." Frank Rich editorial.
1 comment:
"Former President Jimmy Carter said on Friday the "atrocious economic policies" of the Bush administration had caused the worst global financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s."
Well now, time nor space does not permit reliving the financial and diplomatic disasters of the Carter years but those of us familiar with the current global economic crisis (Bad Hat editor included) can without hesitation say that Jimmy's words ring hollow and are patently false.
Furthermore he states: "Eight years ago, the United States had a budget surplus, low inflation and a stable, strong economy", he said.
True to a point. We had more tax revenue than budget allotment but he failed to mention that the national debt jumped to $5.75 trillion under Clinton. It's now $10 trillion plus under Bush.
He mentions deregulation.
The dereguation or repeal of the 'The Glass-Steagall Act' of 1933, in 1999, had wide bi-partisan support and was signed into law by President Clinton, who recently said on Good Morning America that it was responsible for minimizing the crisis we face today. He also mentioned that congressional democrats (Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Chuck Shumer) repeatedly blocked his and Bush's efforts to reign in Fannie and Freddie and their love affair with the sub-prime motgage affair.
Back in 1980, as the Iran hostage crisis was raging, brother Billy Carter was making the talk show circuit and also became a registered agent of the Libyan government who paid him some $220,000 to pedal their oil and mend relations. Jimmy tried to explain the family thing and downplay the "coverup" scandal brewing but Billy said it best, " "My mother went into the Peace Corps when she was sixty-eight. My one sister is a motorcycle freak, my other sister is a Holy Roller evangelist and my brother is running for president. I'm the only sane one in the family."
I will admit that I drank a sixpack of "Billy Beer" one weekend and gawd was it nasty stuff. Billy died of pancreatic cancer at 51 years of age.
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