Friday, October 19, 2007

Weekend Update - October 20th

  • Okay, let's start this weekend out with a seven-year-old singing the national anthem. Now brace yourself, this kid is really good. Check it out.

  • It's still not too late to get on the Katherine Harris bandwagon. Now here's a woman who's got it all together.

  • Mygawd, you just gotta love this guy. President Bush makes a funny. Remember this one?

  • Paul Krugman writes on "The Death of the Machine."

  • "Thank you sir, may I have another?" p.m. carpenter.

  • Have you been having the feeling there's something wrong with "The Big Picture?" Well, you're probably right. Check out Joe Conason's essay "The Senate's Strange Double Standard."

  • Further documentary evidence that President George Bush is a blithering, war-mongering idiot. -Uncle Bob

  • Funny stuff from David Letterman.

  • Religious Rightists and Their Autumnal Discontent (with God). p.m. carpenter.

  • Think the ever expanding surveillance laws won't concern you because you have nothing to hide? Read this essay by John Dean.

  • Why is there no Daniel Ellsberg in the Bush administration? Here's Ellsberg himself to explain why.

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