- Greg Palast writes "How the White House Drowned New Orleans."
- Mark Morford reports on "America, the Sexy Fascist State."
- 600 stark naked people standing on a glacier. Now that's something you don't see every day. And all for a good cause, thank goodness.
- Ted Nugent threatens Obama and Clinton. Is he off his meds?
- The Current Occupant compares Iraq and Vietnam. Big mistake.
- High crimes and misdemeanors on the Republican campaign trail.
- "The War As We Saw It."
- All students of history, whether professional or amateur, should love this one. Juan Cole finds amazing similitaries in the words and deeds of two of modern history's greatest losers. - Uncle Bob
In Memorium
1 year ago
With all due respect for Uncle Bob, Juan Cole must think he is the only one interested in this subject therefore no one will actually question his hypothesis. To compare Napoleon's invasion of Egypt to the war in Iraq is utter historical revisionist nonsense. The self appointed Emperor of France fought every major power in Europe and even invaded Russia prior to his trip to Egypt which was part of the huge Ottoman Empire with the British Navy hot on his trail leading to his eventual demise. (not mentioned by Cole) Juan Cole gives us the impression that the Middle East is a pastoral land filled with peaceful people that just want to be left alone but Napoleon's first modern attempt to invade the Arab world led to present day Western Imperialism. Utter nonsense. Here is a list of historical Empires that paint a much different picture of the region.
Persian Empire invades Greece 550 BC (Marathon, Thermopylae, Salimas battles)
Macedonian Empire, Alexander the Great rids area of Persians.
Roman Empire.
Byzantine Empire.
The Caliphate spread clear to the Philipines. 750-1921 (over 1000 years)
Seljuk Turks.
Saladin invades, occupies Spain
Mongol Empire Genghis Khan
Ottoman Empire 400+ years
Colonial Europe
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