Thursday, July 5, 2007


Maybe Olbermann has a good idea here. (Duh) Maybe we've been going about this idea all wrong. Trying to get enough votes for impeachment has been a long and arduous process, and even our Ms. Pelosi insists it's "off the table." But what if we could get Bush and Cheney to just resign? Olbermann thinks maybe we can shame the two Horsemen of the Apocolypse into just quitting. "Display just that iota of patriotism which Richard Nixon showed on August 9, 1974: Resign." But on the other hand, shaming the shameless is no easy fete.

  • We love "Bagdad Tony" Snow's press conferences. To quote the Snowman, "Hey things get leaked in Washington all the time." Oh yeah.
  • Here's the latest from EPRushnet's favorite P.M. Carpenter, discussing Bush's blind justice.
  • "OH, look Mom, a dying woman bleeding on the floor, hand me the camera phone..." A bizarre story from Kansas.

That's it for now, kids. We're still in the experimental stage here, so let me know if you have any problem with this page. Better to find the glitches now before we go global with this.

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