- Oh those pesky Christians. Remember that cultish Christian focus group out of the Bush era called Focus on the Family, the one run by James Dobson? Mr. Dobson and his group of idiots managed to become one of America's foremost hate groups, right up there with the Heritage Foundation. Well, Focus on the Family now has a new leader, a man named Jim Daly. And they've made a movie called Irreplaceable, purportedly about the benefits of family-according-to-the-Bible, but which is just another anti-gay tirade with soothing music. By the way, speaking of gaydom, a judge in our beloved state of Oregon has finally ruled that our ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional, and gay people are finally able to be referred to just as "people," at least marriage-wise. But getting back to this movie, apparently Mr. Daly and his weird homophobic hate group are getting such awful reviews, and hate spewed right back at them, that he feels he's being persecuted. Really? Mark Morford reports on Sympathy for the Christian Bigot.
- Gotta love Jon Stewart. He's started a #fuckyourush campaign against the man he calls “the quivering rage heap who is apparently desperately trying to extinguish any remaining molecule of humanity that might still reside in the Chernobyl-esque superfund clean-up site that was his soul.” Apparently El Rushbo made fun of Michelle Obama for her concern about those 200 missing Nigerian girls, and actually felt it necessary to point out that they weren't "our girls," so why should we be all that concerned about them. Okay, we expect shit like that from Limbaugh, right? But you know, sometimes it just feels like insensitivity is a right-wing trait. From Karl Rove to Bill O'Reilly, check out "9 Vilest Right-Wing Moments This Week."
- United States Senators the other day asked representatives of the Department of Defense which groups we are currently at war with. The DoD refused to answer the question, saying it was classified. We're guessing it's either Oceana or Eastasia (ref: Orwell). From the Washington's Blog.
- Okay, I'm just going to say it. Georgia is a strange little state. And I'm guessing that most the people who live in Georgia are a little strange. Let me give you an example of what I mean: Did you know anyone can carry a gun in Georgia? I mean anywhere - grocery stores, church, bars, brothels, etc. But did you also know that a woman has to have a prescription to own a vibrator? Yes, indeed.
- Oh I've just GOT to finish this week's update with one more list of right-wing nuttery. Have you heard the latest right-wing conspiracy theory concerning President Obama? He's going to run for a third term! Seriously! Several right-wing commentators and websites have advanced this rumor, including our butt-buddy Rush Limbaugh. It's all over the Internet, including that vast bastion of knowledge, FaceBook. Oh, and there's more. Check this one out: The Right-Wing's 5 Most Insane Conspiracy Theories This Week.
- We'll try to check in with you on Memorial Day, but if not, have a happy one. And don't forget to remember someone.
In Memorium
1 year ago